  • 期刊


Study on Vacuum Seeder for Vegetable Production under Structure


目前本省葉菜額蔬菜栽培均採撒播為主,不僅播種量多致浪費種子,且需間苗作業費時費工。本場為解決葉菜類之播種問題,已研製完成手拉式蔬菜園真空播種機,經實際播種白菜結果,每公頃需25工時。雖然人工撒播作業每公頃僅2.5工時,但於生長期間需行間苗作業,每公頃費時400工時,因此真空播種機與人工撒播作業工時比較,每公頃可節省377.5工時。為配合設施園藝直播作業,目前正示範推廣供農民應用。為應設施園藝簡易網室蔬菜園行株距較寬之蔬菜點播栽培作業,引進日本啟文牌CN-852 S型真空播種機,本機附掛於中耕管理機上,一行程播種二行,其作業方式為開溝、播種、覆土及鎮壓等一貫作業。播種機構係利用真空吸附原理將種子吸附於種子吸附針上,再由正壓空氣吹落於導管內達播種之目的。由機械性能測試結果得知;以冬天小白菜測試,種子吸附會針孔僅為0.6 mm,吸力調整為15 mmHg,吸附一粒種子者達95%,複粒者3.4%,缺株率僅1.6%。以青江白菜測試時,吸力調整為16 mmHg,播種一粒者為94.0%,複粒率者4.2%,缺株率僅1.8%。對於較大之種子如蘿葡,波菜其吸附孔徑為1.0 m.m。測試結果,蘿蔔播種一粒者92.3%,複粒率者4.2%,缺株率3.5%。而波菜播種一粒者90.5%,複粒率者5.7%,缺株率為3.8%。本機播種作業效率每公頃僅需5.8工時與人工點播每公頃7.2工時及需間苗每公頃240工時比較可節省241.4工時,由機械使用成本分析得知;蔬菜園真空播種機之固定費為機械投資成本,其經濟效益與播種年負擔面積成正比,其負擔成本隨作業面積之增加而遞減;雖然慣行法人工點播每公頃僅需7.2工時,但需間苗作業每公頃240工時,合計工資約15,676元,故利用真空播種機比較經濟,若年工作面積超過10公頃,其每公頃成本僅2,655元,因此經濟效益更為顯著,將可降低生產成本,值得示範推廣供農友應用。




In order to save labor cost in growing vegtable, a hand-pulled vegetable vacuum seeder was designed and developed. The traditional way of seeding vegetables is to spread the seeds directly on fields. Although the manual seeding is easy to operate, but it requires more time to thin plants after germination. The result of the field experiment shows that seeding with vacuum seeder, could save about 377.5 hours per hectare.Another imported type vegetable seeder is equipped with two vacuum seeding sets attached on a high raised cultivator. It can seed two rows per ridge. The operation procedures of the seeder are as following: opening furrow, seeding, covering and pressing. Field experiments showed that the vacuum seeder could be used for several kinds of vegetable and all gave good performance. Seeding with this seeder needs 5.8 hours per hectare, while the manual seeding and thining operation need 247.2 hours per hectare. Therefore, vacuum seeder can save 241.4 hours per hectare. The investment in vacuum seeder will be decreasing if seeding area is increasing. Although the manual seeding needs only 7.2 hours per hectare, but it requires 240 hours of thining operation. Therefere, the labor cost for manual operation is NT$ 15,676 per hectare. However, the vacuum seeding cost is only NT$ 2,655 per hectare if its annual operation area is over 10 hectare. Therefore, for a long run, vacuum seeding operation is not only economic but also very pratical.


