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Effects of Cattle, Pig and Chicken Composts on the Growth, Yield and Quality of Sweet Potato


本研究在探討牛、豬、雞糞堆肥對甘藷生長及產量之效應與其對土壤肥力變化之影響。於1995年夏秋兩作分別在大園及後龍兩地田間進行。結果顯示,施用禽畜堆肥對甘藷之生長及塊根產量有顯著之影響。就產量而言,牛糞及豬糞堆肥5 t/ha處理之甘藷塊根產量均比化肥區為高;牛糞堆肥處理兩期作平均增加11.45%;豬糞堆則處理則平均增加6.6%;而雞糞堆肥處理則較化肥區低1.8%。施用禽畜糞堆肥之平均藷蔓較化肥區為短,平均莖葉重亦較輕。土壤性質分析結果顯示,土壤pH值比試驗前提高,提高幅度為0.4-1.0單位;牛糞堆肥處理有機質含量兩地均明顯增加,增幅為0.38-0.52%;有效性磷、鉀含量均以牛糞堆肥處理在兩作均呈一致增加的趨勢,磷增加25-27 kg/ha,鉀增加2-30kg/ha。施用豬雞糞堆肥處理,土壤鉀含量反而減少;土壤有效性鎂含量,則均有增加的現象。品質性狀與營養成分分析結果顯示,甘藷煮熟後之風味、甜味及適口性等食用品質,均比化肥處理為佳,而以牛糞堆肥處理最佳。粗脂肪、粗蛋白及色澤亮度,以牛糞堆肥處理較化肥處理高。


甘藷 禽畜堆肥 產量 品質


Field trials were conducted in Tayuan and Houlung to determine the effect of chicken, cattle and pig composts on the growth, quality and yield of sweet potato tuber and vine and soil fertility. The total yield of sweet potato tuber was significantly affected by cattle and pig compost treatments. Tuber yield increased about 11.4% by cattle compost treatment at rate of 5 t/ha and increased 6.6% by pig compost treatment, but as reduced 1.8% by chicken compost treatment. The use of composts tended to reduce the length of vines and yield of vines and leaves, as compared to the check treatment. After harvest, the soil pH value in all treatments increased by 0.4-1.0 pH unit. The organic content of the soil increased by 0.38-0.52% by cattle compost treatment. Available P and K in the soil increased by 25-27 kg/ha and 2-30 kg/ha, respectively for the cattle compost treatment. However, decreased in the available K and increased in the available Mg were also noted in the plot received livestock composts. In general, eating quality components, including flavor, sweetness and mouthfeel of compost treatments were better than that of the check treatment.


Livestock compost Sweet potato Growth Quality Yield
