  • 期刊


Recent Status on Pinworm Infections of Primary School Children is Southern and Eastern Taiwan


以一次玻璃紙膠帶肛門週圍擦找法檢查國小學童成染蟯蟲情形。1979年至1984 年每年輪流檢查高雄市博愛及愛國國小一、二年級學童,其感染率博愛國小介於 29.5%與37.3 %,而愛國國小介於30.6%與45.3%。男、女學童感染率博愛國小之男生介於31.2%與37.7 %,女生介於29.3 %與43.6 %,而愛國國小之男生介於27.8%與40.3 %,女生介於32.1%與47.2%。雖然此二所國小之蟯蟲感染率每年有降低的傾向,但在1983年及1984年最後一次的檢查結果,每三個學童仍有一名感染蟯蟲。另於1980年至1983年檢查台東縣延平鄉及東和鄉、屏東縣霧台鄉及花連縣秀林鄉等四鄉之國小學童,其感染率分別為27.4%、41.5%、5.3%及 19.1 %,其中以位於海拔l,000公尺以上之屏東縣霧台鄉山地學童之威染率最低,而以與平地接觸最頻繁之台東縣東卡鄉之感染率最高。由上述六年來之檢查結果,顯示台灣東、南部之學童蟯蟲感染情形,除了山地之外,其感染率仍相當之高。




Enterobiasis is the most prevalent intestinal parasitic disease among children in Taiwan. Surveys among primary school children have been carried out during the past 6 years in several areas of Taiwan using the method of the scotch adhesive tape perianal swab. One swab was taken from each child in the morning. Results are summarized as follow : In the urban area of Kaohsiung City, surveys have been done of 1st and 2nd grade children from 2 primary schools. Results showed Enterobius infections in 391 out of l, 066 (36.7%) Po-Ai Primary School children in 1979, 434 out of l,163 (37.3%) in 1981, and 367 out of l,245 (29.5 %) in 1983. Ai-Kuo Primary School showed infections in 5 15 out of l,136 children (45.3%) in 1980, 466 out of l,319 (35.3 %) in 1982, and 352 out of l,149 (30.6 %) in 1984. In mountainous or remote areas , Enterobius infections occurred in 78 out of 285 (27. 4%) and 312 out of 753 (41.5 %) primary school children from Yen-Ping and Tong -Ho Hsiang, Taitung County eastern Taiwan, and in 12 out of 226 (5.3%) and 61 out of 319 (19.1 %) children fromwu-Tai Hsiang, Pintung County southern Taiwan and Hsiu-Lin Hsiang, Hwalein County eastern Taiwan. The Enterobius infection rates in the two schools of Kaohsiung City have decreased year by year. Nevertheless, the last examination still shows a level of one in three children positive . It is urged that control of enterobiasis among school children is not a negligible factor in the health of children. Results from children from schools in mountainous or remote areas showed that the closer to an urban area, the higher the infection rate. Children in Wu-Tai Hsiang, Pintung County, which is located in southern Taiwan in a deep mountainous area at l,000 meters above sea level, showed the lowest infection rate (5.3%). on the other hand , children living in Tong-Ho Hsiang, Taitung County in eastern Taiwan, located close to the eastern highway on the plain, showed the highest Enterobius infection rate (41.3%) of any of the children from mountainous or remoto areas. In conclusion , it is our hope that the information on the recent epidemology of Enterobius infection provided by the past six years of surveys will be of help in finding methods to control this parasitic infection.
