  • 期刊


A Study of Multiple Factors Related to Enterobius Infection among Pre-Schoolchildren


為瞭解學齡前兒童蟯蟲感染之因素,以結構型問卷多步驟隨機抽樣訪視702名學齡前兒童的家長,問卷的內容包括:兒童個人資料、兒童父母親教育程度、職業、住屋情形、臥室分配情形、手部衛生習慣、洗澡習慣等,並以連續兩天玻璃膠紙肛圍擦拭法〈two-consecutive-day adhesive cellophane paper perianal swabs〉檢查兒童的蟯蟲感染情形,兒童蟯蟲感染與各單變項的相關,以卡方檢定〈x2-test〉分析,而多變項的分析則以判定分析〈discriminant analysis〉及逐步複迴歸〈stepwise multiple regression〉進行分析。 結果在單變項分析中與兒童蟯蟲感染有統計學上顯著相關的有:母親教育程度、家中地面質地、有否與家人同臥室,有否與家人同睡一張床,及同睡一張床的人數;無顯著相關的有:性別、年齡、籍貫、父親教育程度,父、母親職業,住屋型式、面積、間隔總數、家中人口數、床單、被單的清洗間隔期,吮吸手指和食前便後洗手習慣,由自己洗澡或家人幫忙洗澡,洗澡的方式、次數等。 而多變項分析結果,對兒同蟯蟲感染之影響由大到小依次為:是否獨睡一張床,家中地面質地,是否獨睡一房,及母親教育程度,而其影響之解釋力具有統計學上顯著差異者為是否獨睡一張床,家中地面質地和母親教育程度。




In order to study the factors related to Enterobius infection among per-schoolchildren, a structural questionnaire with multi-stages and a random sampling was designed to interview parents of 702 pre-schoolchildren. The questionnaire included personal information of the children: their educational background and parents’ occupation; the status of their housing; their handwashing habits, and their frequency and habits of bathing, etc. In addition, the children’s pinworm infections were examined using two-consecutive-day adhesive cellophance paper perianal swabs. Variables causing the pinworm infection among infected and noninfected children were analyzed by x2-test and multi-variable tests including discriminant analysis and stepwise multiple regression. The results concerning enterobiasis and its factors of infection are summarized as follows: (a) significant factors: the educational back-ground of mothers, the natures of the floors, the sharing or not sharing a same bedroom or a same bed with the family members, the numbers of the family members sharing a same bed. (b) nonsignificant factors: sex, age, domicile of origin; the educational background of the fathers; the parents’ occupation; the style and size of housing; the number of family members; frequency of cleaning clothes; habit of sucking fingers; washing hands before eating or after using the toilet, and bathing by themselves or helped by a family member; the frequency and method of bathing. The results of the multivariable analysis reveal that the most important risk factors for infection of Enterobius among children are sharing a same bed, the natures of the floors, sharing a same bedroom and the low education background of mothers, respectively.
