  • 期刊

A Molecular Study of Adenovirus Type 8 Isolated from Viral Conjunctivitis in the Kaohsiung Area during 1983-1984: A Chronological Comparison of Subtypes by Endonuclease Cleavage Analysis



從1983年3月至1984年2月,我們一共收集了高雄地區692例的病毒性結膜炎的病例,對其致病病毒作一探討。結果病毒分離率為40.9%〈283/692〉,其中以線病毒第八型最多,有74例Ad-8的分離物中,我們任意選出18例作病毒DNA限制酶分割的分析,以找出其不同的亞型為此一期間主要的致病亞型。 在1980至1981年間,我們就開始對高雄地區的病毒性結膜炎的線病毒第八型作一連串的此種探討,在1980~1981年間,高雄地區的病毒性結膜炎線病毒第八型,可以用五種不同的限制酶對其DNA分割,而區分為至少四種亞型,被命名為Ad-8C、Ad-8D、Ad-8E及Ad-8F。這四種亞型皆不同於日本札幌地區所發現的Ad-8A與Ad-8B亞型。在1980年間,高雄地區的線病毒第八型是以Ad-8C為主,而1981年間,則以Ad-8與Ad-8E為主。 本文是利用六種不同的限制酶,〈Pst Ⅰ,Hind Ⅲ,BamHⅠ,SalⅠ,SstⅠ及SmaⅠ〉來作18個Ad-8的DNA分割的分析,其結果顯示,在1983~1984年間,高雄地區的線病毒第八型至少可區分為三種,其中有1例Ad-8C,16例Ad-8E,及另一例新型,命名為Ad-8G,而以Ad-8E為主要亞型,至於Ad-8的原型〈Trim〉,在高雄地區,從1980-1981,1983-1984年間,從未被發現過。這五種不同的Ad-8的變異型及不同年代的主要亞行顯示,Ad-8線病毒在高雄地區,於1980至1984年間,一直不停繼續的演變中。




From march 1983 to February 1984, 74 isolates of adenovirus type 8 (Ad-8) were recovered from the conjunctival swabs of 692 cases with viral conjunctivitis in the Kaohsiung area. Out of the 47 Ad-8 isolates, 18 were selected randomly for enzymatic cleavage analysis with six different kinds of endonucleases: Pst Ⅰ, Hind Ⅲ, BamHⅠ, SalⅠ,SstⅠand SmaⅠ. A subtype comparison was made between the current 18 Ad-8 isolates and the 27 Ad-8 isolates recovered during the period from 1980 to 1981 in Kaohsiung which were described in our previous study. While the subtype C was predominant in the 1980-1981 period, the subtype E was most prevalent in the 1983-1984 period. A new subtype was identified and designated as subtype G in the current series of Ad-8 isolates studied. The prototype strain of Ad-8 (Trim) was not isolated in Kaohsiung among the series of Ad-8 isolates recovered in 1980-1981 and 1983-1984. The large numbers of variants in subtypes of suggested that this virus had continued to evolve in the Kaohsiung area during these years.
