

本研究蒐集1971-80及1981-90年,廿年間台灣地區30個山地鄉所有癌症死亡數(3403位),在考慮年齡結構不同可能產生的干擾後,與同期台灣地區所有癌症死亡數(270634位)進行比較分析,以計算兩個兩代間山地原住民族別之癌症死因別標準化死亡比,及95%信賴區間。 結果顯示:各族別相對於臺灣地區癌症死亡情形各不相似,口腔癌以1971-80年代排灣族男性及1971-80、1981-90兩個年代排灣族的女性有顯著高於臺灣地區;鼻咽癌以1981-90年代布農、排灣、魯凱族的男性及1971-80、1981-90兩個年代希農、排灣族的女性死亡情形顯著高於臺灣地區;食道癌以布農女性死之情形在兩個年代顯著高;骨癌以泰雅、布農、排灣族之男、女,以及1971-80魯凱族男性、及1981-90年代鄒族及混合族群女性的死亡情形顯著高於臺灣地區;鼻腔、中耳及副鼻竇癌僅以1981-90年代魯凱族男性死亡情形顯著高於臺灣地區。結腸及直腸癌則以1971-80年代混合族群男性及1981-90年代泰雅族女性顯著低於臺灣地區。骨癌則以1981-90年代鄒族男性及泰雅族女性死亡情形顯著高於臺灣地區。結腸及直腸癌則以1971-80年代混合族群男性及1981-90年代泰雅族女性顯著低於臺灣地區。肺癌以1971-80年代泰雅族男性,及1981-90年代排灣族男性、混合族群男性,以及1971-80年代排灣族女性死亡情形顯著低於臺灣地區。 綜合以上,原住民全癌症死亡情況稍高台灣地區居民,各族別間也有差異存在,其中以鼻咽癌、骨癌、肝癌較嚴垂,口腔癌、食道癌稍高,也值得注意,而結腸及直腸癌、肺癌、膀胱癌死亡比顯著低,提供進一步探討研究。




Mortality among Aborigines tribes in Tai-wan from malignant neoplasms in the 1971-80 and 1981-90 decdes were analyzed. Sex and tri-be specific standardized mortality ratios were calculated from death certificate data and com-pared with the number of expected deaths de-rived from the cancer mortality of the entire population of Taiwan. Mortality due to oral ca-ncer was statistically significantly higher than expected among Paiwan men in the 1971-80 de-cade and among Paiwan women from 1971-80 and 1981-90; as was mortality from nasopharyngeal cancer among Bunun, Paiwan and Rrkai men from 1981-90 and among Bu-nun and Paiwan women from 1971-80 and 1981-90; mortality due to stomach cancer among the Atayal, Bunun and Paiwan people from 1971-80 and 1981-90, among Rukai men from 1971-80 and among the Tsou and mixed group wo-men from 1981-90;mortality from liver cancer among Atayal and Bunun men in 1971-80, among Bunun women from 1971-80 and 1981-90 and among Paiwan women in 1981-90; mor-tality due to nasal cavity, middle ear and para-nasal sinuses cancer among Rukai men from 1981-90; and mortality due to bone cancer amo-ng Tsou men and Atayl women from 1981-90. Mortality due to colerctal cancer was statistic-cally significantly lower than expected among mixed group men from 1971-80 and in Atayal women from 1981-90; as was mortality from lung canceer among Atayal men and Paiwan wo-men from 1971-80 and among Paiwan and mi-xed group men in the 1981-90 decade. Overall, the standardized mortality ratio of all cancers in aborigines was a little higher than in the general population of Taiwan . However, differences for ratio or site existed in different tribes.


