  • 期刊

Experimental Ocular Toxocariasis in Mice Infected with Long-Term-Maintained Embryonated Eggs of Toxocara Canis




本研究探討將儲存於 2% 福馬林液內,於 4°C 下保存 14 個月之犬蛔蟲受孕卵感染小鼠第一天至第四百六十九天後,藉顯微鏡檢視與病理學的研究評估孵化的幼蟲對小鼠的眼部損傷情形。每次犧牲三隻感染鼠與二隻同齡未感染鼠,藉解剖顯微鏡檢視左眼是否出現幼蟲,右眼部分則加以包埋後進行組織病理學檢測。結果顯示本實驗之 42 隻不同時間的感染鼠之左眼皆無檢測到有幼蟲,然而,右眼部分則分別於第 56、140 和 168 天感染組的其中 1 隻感染鼠被觀測到出現眼部病理變化。幼蟲入侵眼部所造成的主要病變是視網膜撥離、虹膜睫狀體炎、視神經乳頭炎和淺層梗塞。於 3 組感染鼠中,位於視網膜內的幼蟲並無被發炎細胞浸潤的情形。本報告為首篇關於自長期培養的犬蛔蟲卵孵育的幼蟲可引起鼠眼部犬蛔蟲症的研究。本結果進一步擴展了對於犬蛔蟲受孕卵致病性的知識。


Ocular injury to ICR mice from embryonated eggs of Toxocara canis, which had been maintained in 2% formalin for 14 months at 4°C, was evaluated by microscopic and pathologic assessments at 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 28, 56, 84, 112, 140, 168, 196, 294 and 469 days post infection (DPI). On each date, three infected mice and two age-matched uninfected control mice were sacrificed; left eyeballs from infected mice were examined for larvae under a dissecting microscope while all right eyeballs were embedded in paraffin for histologic study. No larvae were observed in the left eyeball of any of the 42 infected mice, while pathologic changes were observed in right eyeballs. Pathologically, the predominant changes were retinal detachment, iridocyclitis, and pars planitis, followed by optic nerve papillitis and superficial infarcts, as observed in one of three infected mice per group at 56, 140, and 168 DPI, respectively. No infiltrating cells surrounding the larvae in the retina were observed in the infected mice. This is the first report that larvae hatched from T. canis embryonated eggs maintained for a long time can cause murine ocular toxocariasis. These results further extend our knowledge of the pathogenicity of T. canis embryonated eggs.
