  • 期刊


The Everlasting Exploitation of Agriculture Soil and Water Resources in Taiwan



本文係筆者在本(92)年第五次會國農業會議第四組討論議題,發表之引言文章。旨在引導有關農業用水與農業邊際土地之永續利用相關之討論重點。 50年來,台灣地區因經濟產業的變化致各產業產值互有消長,而各產業對有限的水資源和邊際土地(山坡地)的利用一直爭議不斷。向為大宗用水各用地的農業部門承受須釋出其水量和用地之壓力甚大。因此,農業部門如何能在維續水田三生功能,和合理管理和使用綠地,以維生態和生活之平衡,仍本文討論之重點。文章從水與土地資源利用現況的瞭解和分析,然後提出若干策略性之建議。同時,本文並轉錄該次大會對此子題之討論所做之結論,冀閱者能了解今後政府對水土資源之努力方向。


The objective of this paper was to provide an introductory remarks on everlasting usage of limited agricultural water and farmland at the 4th group of the 5th Agricultural Meeting, organized by Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan, on March 28 & 29, 2003 in Taipei. Due to the variations of gross product value of different economic sectors, efficient utilization of limited water and farmland resources was debated continuously between agricultural and non-agricultural sectors during the past fifty years. The agricultural sector which controls most of the water resource and farmland is encountering great pressure and demand for releasing more water and farmland to non-agricultural sector. Discussions, analyses and strategic suggestions on future agricultural sector’s challenges of how to maintain the product-ecology-livinghood functions and reasonably manage the green-land were presented in this paper. To convey COA’s future policies, conclusions of Agricultural Meeting in line with this topic were also included in this paper.
