  • 期刊


Design on Hydraulic Properties of Ecological Hole for an Irrigation Canal


本文針對現有矩形混凝土農業水路,進行生態改善工程之探討,在不破壞現有水工結構物的功能,考量結構和水理的安全下,於渠岸設置生態孔洞,營造出生物棲息處所,改善既有之光滑無孔隙而不利生物生存之混凝土渠面。進行渠面孔洞之水工試驗,探討改善工程對水理特性的影響,在兼顧水理安全和環境生態下,求得孔洞最適之尺寸、深度及縱向間距在坡度1/250、流量0.0384cms、水深24cm及渠寬30 cm等試驗條件下,經試驗分析獲得,最適之孔徑/渠寬比值為2.85/30~3.50/30,最適之孔深為0.5~0.75倍貝徑。就孔洞縱向間距配置而言,最適之配置間距為4~6倍孔徑。本試驗結果可提供相關工程規劃和設計之參考,促進農政單位加速生態化工程的推展。


The research that in connection with irrigation canal is not destroying the existing structure, and consider the structure and hydrology to lay safely, then to proceed with the ecological concept of improving engineering. This study takes the ecological concept of improving engineering on the original irrigation canal, and then uses the working procedure without damaging structure to achieve the ecological purposes and create a beneficial environment. We will conduct the study of improving engineering work via making the holes on the lateral of canal. In order to reach foregoing objective, it need to he considered the structure and hydrology safely without destroyed the existing structure, try to find the size, depth, and interval of the optimum ecological hole. Under the conditions of the slope l/250, Q=0.0384 cms, depth of water 24 cm, and wide of canal 30 cm, the results show that the optimum ratio of diameter/wide (D/B) is 2.85/30~3.50/30, depth is 0.5D~0.75D, and vertical interval 4~6D. This research results contribute to the improvement of ecology of irrigation canal and the reference of offering the relevant project to plan and design.
