  • 期刊


Influence of Thermal Buffer Zone on Air Conditioning Energy Consumption of Residential Building-A Case Study of N.T.U. "Smart Home"


由於能源短缺的問題日益嚴重,近年來在節約建築空調耗能的課題上,「熱緩衝空間(Thermal Buffer Zone)」概念的發展與應用,成爲住宅建築有效降低耗能量的設計方式之一。 熱緩衝空間可歸納爲外緩衝空間與內緩衝空問二大類型,住宅建築透過熱緩衝空間的配置設計,發揮其遮陽與隔熱之功能,可以達到調節室內熱環境、節約空調耗電量之效果。本文以台灣大學內之節能示範屋-綠房子爲實例,進行了全年逐時冷氣耗電量之數值模擬計算與結果之比較分析。 研究結果顯示,在綠房子原有空間配置型態下,全年冷氣耗電量經計算爲3383.69 Kwh。綠房子在完全無熱緩衝空間可供遮陽、隔熱情況下,全年冷氣耗電量大幅增加爲6471.02 Kwh,較原先增加了91.24%。是故熱緩衝空間之運用具有正面之節能效益。


Du to energy shortage in recent years, the development and application of the thermal-buffer-zone concept in saving air conditioning energy consumption become a desirable design which can effectively reduce energy consumption of residential nature. The thermal buffer zone can be classified into the exterior and interior butler zones. The application of thermal buffer zone in residential architecture for sunshade and heat insulation purposes has the effect of adjusting indoor temperature. In this study, the N.T.U. energy-saving demonstration building. ”Smart-Home” is taken as an example through the numerical simulation to calculate air conditioning energy consumption in the period of one year. The results show that with the original spatial allocation, the Smart-Home consumes 3383.69 Kwh energy by air conditioning system all year around. However, the Smart-Home removes the outdoor veranda, eaves gallery and balcony and indoor sunny room and store room from the numerical model. The result shows that the air conditioning energy consumption all the year around will increase significantly by 6471.02 Kwh, 91.24° more than before. The application of thermal buffer zone really has a positive effect in energy saving, and it seems an feasible and effective strategy for the future energy saving design of residential building.


陳金象(2013)。建築外殼水幕淋水降溫效益之研究 -以磁磚及花崗石為例〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/CYCU.2013.00112
