  • 期刊

應用MDS-HC 2.0台灣版評估工具於士林、北投區獨居榮民之探討

Empirical Trial of Survey of Veterans who Live Alone Through Minimum Data Set (MDS-HC 2.0) in Shilin and Beitou Areas, Taipei


本研究以「台灣版MDS-HC 2.0居家照護評估量表」為工具,探討士林、北投區獨居榮民之健康狀況。採回溯性橫斷式設計,滾雪球式取樣樣本總計91位個案,全數為男性。以描述性統計及迴歸分析進行分析。結果發現樣本平均年齡為80.6±5.0歲之中高齡榮民,以需機構照護風險為依變項,將有顯著相關之ADL、健康促進及聽覺障礙等變項納入迴歸分析,以此三變項可解釋需機構照護風險總變異量的95.1%。經Regression診斷後,發現本模式有共線性,此三變項幾乎決定個案是否入住機構;以情緒總分為依變項,將社會功能及IADL等變項納入迴歸分析,可解釋情緒總分總變異量的47.8%。以社會功能為依變項,將IADL及溝通障礙等變項納入迴歸分析,以此二變項可解釋社會功能總變異量的25.3%。MDS-HC可解釋獨居榮民之引發風險,可做為居家護理照護計劃之指引。建議以此量表檢視個案評估計劃(client assessment protocols, CAPs),獲知個案所需之個別照護項目及類別,預防功能衰退及維持個案能力。


The purpose of this study was to explore the health status of the veterans who live alone in Shilin and Beitou areas, Taipei. Minimum Data Set-Home Care (MDS-HC) 2.0 Chinese Version was used for data collection. This study used a cross-sectional design, convenient sampling method was used, with 91 male subjects. Statistical methods included descriptive statistics and regression. Study results included as follows: (a) all subject’s cognitive function, communication and hearing, vision, mood and behavior, social function, unofficial supporting service, physiological function, incontinence, medical diagnosis, health status, prevention and health care, nutrition state, skin state, environment, and service utilization were good health status; (b) 95.1% of the variance in home care risk was predicted by three variables: ADL, health promotion and hearing; (c) 47.8% of the variance in mood predicted by two variables: IADL and social function; (d) 25.3% of the variance in social function predicted by two variables: IADL and communication. These findings may provide important clinical implications in home care nursing. We suggest continue using MDS-HC to assess health status of the veterans in the future, and develop Client Assessment Protocols (CAPs), to explore the individual care needs, prevent the deterioration and maintain case ability.


