  • 期刊


Project for Improving the Integrity of Multidisciplinary Care After Liver and Kidney Transplantation




Care information should be provided after organ transplantation, and multidisciplinary teams must coordinate to inform patients. According to statistics from April 1, 2017, to March 31, 2018, the rate at which information was provided after liver and kidney transplantation in this ward was 68.5%, far lower than the threshold of our hospital (>95%). In response, a special team was established. The reasons for this low rate include the high volume of information, the lack of standardization and auxiliary teaching aids, poor horizontal communication among teams, and the lack of an audit mechanism. A standardized care guide flowchart was administered to all teams, health education leaflets were revised, and medicine flashcards and interactive educational materials were developed; these strategies increased the rate to 96.7%, thereby considerably improving nursing care quality. This project can be applied to other wards to achieve similar results.


da Silva Knihs, N., de Pádua Lorençoni, B., Pessoa, J. L. E., Paim, S. M. S., Ramos, S. F., da Silva Martins, M., Wachholz, L. F., Bittencourt, I., Fabiane Sebold, L., Nazareth Amante L., Sens, S., Lunardi, F., Santos, J. D., & de Aguiar Roza, B. (2020) Health needs of patients undergoing liver transplant from the context of hospital discharge. Transplantation Proceedings, 52(5), 1344-1349.
Frank-Bader, M., Beltran, K., & Dojlidko, D. (2011). Improving transplant discharge education using a structured teaching approach. Progress in Transplantation, 21(4), 332-339.
