  • 期刊


Prospect and Present Status of International Ocean Research and Domestic Human Resource


我國海洋研究探測能力藉由參與國際大型研究計畫已漸趨成熟,在全球海洋科學研究領域中佔一席之位。目前國際海洋研究趨勢大致分為三類,一為全球性國際合作研究計畫,其以全球氣候、環境、物種變遷為主;一是區域性的海洋研究,以探討特殊區域海域的研究為主,並以參與國的國家利益為輔;另一是各國自有經濟海域的監測研究。我國可藉成熟的海洋探測研究能力及特殊地理位置,規劃我國自有但與國際趨勢相符合的研究計畫,以其獨特性融入國際大型海洋科學研究計畫中,以其區域性強化我國於特殊海域海洋研究的主導地位,並以成熟的監測研究能力,協助政府對我國經濟海域的管理及開發,以增進民生福祉、開發新資源並能永續經營我國的海洋國土。 我國海洋科學研究人力資源現今尚稱足夠,唯其有三大缺失及隱憂: 一、人力有老化的趨勢及年輕人力有視野不足之嫌;二、人力整合不足,次領域合作需加強;三、海洋法政及文化人力不足。短期解決問題之道是支助現有博/碩士甚或大學生投入海洋科學研究領域,並以整合型計畫加強次領域合作機制。長期問題解決之道則應從基礎海洋科學教育著手,並重視海洋文化宣導生根,以建立海洋國家的基石。


The oceanographic research is highly developing in Taiwan with the support by the government and the efforts from the scientists. With participating in international research programs, the achievement of oceanographic research of Taiwan is noticed in the world. Although the research abilities of research vessels in Taiwan-Ocean Researcher 1, 2, 3 and Fishery Researcher 1 are well, their hulls and instruments are old. The shortage of young scientists is also a problem because the job opportunity and the salary in oceanographic research are not as well as those in industry and commerce. However, our oceanographic research can have a good lead over other countries due to the unique location of Taiwan. Hence, having good education m oceanography and building the oceanographic culture are necessary Besides, the providing of job opportunity and the good human resource management are also required. These will be helpful in improving the oceanographic research of Taiwan and make Taiwan become a truly ocean country.
