  • 期刊


The Constitutionality of the Use of GPS Monitoring and Tracking Devices-A Note on Mosaic Theory




In recent years, police officials have often relied on high-tech equipment in criminal investigations. The use of such equipment, however, may encroach upon fundamental human rights such as the property rights and the right of privacy; hence, the constitutionality of using this equipment to attain evidence is called into question. This article will examine the use of GPS tracking devices in criminal investigations and analyze the Jones decision with regard to the constitutionality of their use. It will also present a detailed review of the theory, and provide a critique of the myopic view of the decision in that the decision could not make future implications. Additionally, the United States Supreme Court did not decide the Jones case based on the Mosaic theory, created by the Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit, in the same case; we, therefore, will delve into the theory and its potential flaws if adopted. In conclusion, this article will recognize that the use of GPS tracking devices in criminal investigations is a legal vacuum in the current legal norms in Taiwan. It will suggest several critical points on the legal infrastructure of the use of GPS tracking devices, and suggest that the legislative branch codify the protection of the interest of privacy rights by reference to the current Wire-Tapping Law.


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