  • 期刊


The similarities and differences of employment contract and labor contract - The Observation of legal regulations between China, Japan and Taiwan




China executed the Chinese Civil Code in 2021 and also Japan amended Law of Obligations in 2020. In the process of amendment of two countries, there are some arguments about the relationship between employment contract and labor contract. Since Taiwan is also amending the obligations of civil code, the experiences of the two countries above are worthy of reference. As a result, this article followed the legal regulations, theories and the disputes of practices among China, Japan and Taiwan. After analyzed the relevant issues, this article points out that there are differences between employment contract and labor contract in the concepts, but both of two contracts are the same type of contract with subordination to authority as an important element. Therefore, even though the two contracts should be integrated and reviewed in more detail in the Labor Contract Act. However, at least the definition of employment contract and its content should be retained in the civil code with reference to the content o f the Labor Contract Act in order to clearly define the nature of the Labor Contract Act and the relationship between the two contracts. Moreover, in future, it is necessary to review the content of subordination to authority which is the standard of judging the concept of labor and the protection of service provider who doesn't have personal subordination relation to make the regulation of labor contract move towards a more perfect version.


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