  • 期刊


A Study of the Feasibility of Applying the CEFR to Japanese Language Education in Taiwan


語言能力指標(standard)已是現今語言教育界制定課程大綱與語言能力評量不可或缺的規準;觀諸台灣日語教育現況,似仍缺乏一套明確且完備之日語能力指標供參考,是故本研究旨在探討「歐洲語言學習、教學、評量共同參考架構CEFR」聽力項目之能力敘述是否適用於台灣日語學習者。 本研究係以CEFR之「DIALANG self-assessment statements」自我評量聽力題目製成問卷,先針對東吳大學日語系一至四年級暨研究所共191位學生進行日語聽力調查,再以語言訓練測驗中心研發之「FLPT-Japanese」聽力測驗試題檢驗調查結果。 統計分析結果顯示,CEFR聽力各級能力敘述經適度修正後,應可適用於台灣之日語學習者。整體而言,大一程度近似於A1程度,二、三、四年級為B1,研究生為B2。


Standards for language learning/teaching comprise an absolutely necessary basis for the elaboration of language syllabi, curriculum guidelines, examinations, etc. Nevertheless, to date, no explicit and comprehensive standards for the teaching of the Japanese language in Taiwan have been developed. Therefore, this study aimed to determine whether the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) could be applied to the teaching of the Japanese language in Taiwan. The study used two quantitative tools including: (1) The questionnaire for listening proficiency derived from DIALANG, which is based on the CEFR; (2) The FLPT-Japanese Listening Test, developed by the Language Training and Testing Center. The sample was composed of a total of 191 subjects, who attended the survey and the listening test. These subjects were Japanese majors from Soochow University, including first-year students, sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students. According to the analyses, the findings are as follows: (1) With certain modifications, the CEFR Can-Do-Statements can be applied to the teaching of the Japanese language in Taiwan. (2) CEFR is applicable to the discrimination of levels of listening proficiency for Japanese learners in Taiwan. In general, the listening proficiency of the first-year students is equivalent to A1, those of the sophomores, juniors, and seniors, to B1, and that of the graduate students, to B2.


Borg, W.R.,Gall, M.D.(1989).Educational Research: An Introduction.New York:Longman.
