  • 期刊


The Use of "My Type" With and Without TAE Method in Advanced Japanese Conversation Class


在日語教育的現場,如何增加學習者的說話量、提升會話的質一直是教師的重要課題之一。因此,有許多針對練習方法以及教材的革新和改善。比如TAE(Thinking At the Edge)這個讓人集中注意自身的感受然後產出豐富的表達方式的手法曾被證明有效。但是在評論TAE的有效性與否時必須考慮學習者有興趣的題目和會話內容的充實程度之間是否有相關性。因此,本研究以多數學習者經驗過、或是感受過的「喜歡的類型」為題,再次檢討TAE手法的有效性。結果顯示,使用「喜歡的類型」這個題目讓教室氛圍變得很活潑。此外,向來討厭考試的學習態度也有所轉變。另外,使用TAE後,觀察到了(1)闡述自己所想(2)觀點改變(3)無變化等3個型態。由此次的結果可得知TAE能促進學習者個人的內省,是重視獨創性的學習法。


實踐課 TAE 會話 語言化 深感


In Japanese conversation class, a key challenge for teachers is how to increase the quantity or quality of learner's speaking skills. Therefore, various improvements in practicing methods and the innovation of learning materials have been tried. For example, a result of practicing TAE (Thinking At the Edge) in conversation class has been an increase in students effectively leaving behind their caution and turning to their own feeling before producing rich expressions. However, the relevance between the degree of learners' interest in the topic and the fullness of the conversation has only been estimated, and yet is a crucial aspect when discussing the effectiveness of TAE. Thus, this study reconsiders the effectiveness of TAE in using ”my type,” which most learners have experienced or felt an interest in.As a result of using ”my type”, the atmosphere in the classroom becomes active. In addition, the common attitude students had towards taking tests-one of great loathing-is transformed in a positive way.Furthermore, there are 3 types observed when using TAE: students who began talking about what they thought, students who changed their perspective, and students in whom there was no change. From the differences in the conversations observed, TAE seems to be a learning method that clearly encourages students' introspective ability and emphasizes each learner's originality.


practice lesson TAE conversation verbalize felt sense


Gendlin, Eugene T.(1981).Focusing.Bantam book.
跡部千絵美(2011)。JFL 台湾人学生の視点から見た理想の日本語教師像―TAE 理論を用いたインタビュー分析。日語教学実践報告集。46-58。
徐孟鈴(2012)。個人体験と内容の豊かさを重視した口頭発表の指導法―TAE ワークによる会話教育の実践例―。台湾日語教育学報。19,244-272。
