  • 期刊


Toward a New Perspective on the Text-Roland Barthes’s Reflections on His Commitment to Teaching


羅蘭巴特(Roland Barthes, 1915-1980)向來關注文本、文與物、文與器等議題;今日重新回顧及整理其相關論點,或許有助於了解他慎重思考過的講課態度與教學方法。在他去世後,他所留下的講課備稿、文章草稿、筆記、資料卡、檔案夾等資料形成了豐富的個人文物,多年來,經由文本生成學分析、考究,已成為進一步研究巴特書寫的材料。其中最重要的編整出版成果,即為他在高等研究應用學院和法蘭西學院的教學講綱,這是以撰書、出版為動機所採行的備課方法和教學的實踐。本論文從回顧這些講綱的生成與他對講學的思考切入,來闡釋以下三點:一、教學與書寫主體的角色倫理反思,二、巴特所珍重的生活之道,三、我們從他的備課與講學的歷程中所揣摹、領會到的文本生成歷程及其意義,以及一種不為固定形制所絕對定義的「文‧物」啟示。


If we admit that multiple potentialities should be considered in interpreting polar themes, such as writing-material, text-thing, art-object, value-support, it is time to reconsider a certain problematic related to these themes that interested Roland Barthes, particularly with reference to the archives he left after his death in 1980, including his manuscripts, notes, cards, folios, and so on. In recent years, the proponents of genetic critical study continue to propose enlightening reflections on these documents. After a brief survey of some of his remarks that show his contributions to theoretical fields about these polar themes, the present study focuses on Barthes' teaching career, expressly in order to consider his preparatory process for seminary teaching (EPHE) and conferences (College de France). In both cases he intended to realize a book publication at the end of each term. Thus, it is instructive for us to follow a triple interrogation: first, about his self-reflection on the ethical role of writing "Subject" in a collaborative team work between teacher and students; secondly, about the art of life defined by the author; and finally, about a non-definitively formable Text that may just be progressively suggested throughout his communicative, bodily involved teaching experiences, and these experiences may be proved to be correspondent, in a parallel and metaphoric way, to the process and the perspective of the genetic critique.


巴特,羅蘭、許綺玲譯(1997)。明室─攝影札記。台北=Taipei:台灣攝影工作室=Taiwan Photography Studio。
(2012)。近代肖像意義的論辯。台北=Taipei:遠流出版=Yuan-Liou Publication。
Badir, Semir(direction),Ducard, Dominique(direction)(2009).Roland Barthes en Cours (1977-1980). Un style de vie.Dijon:Editions Universitaires de Dijon.
Barthes, Roland(2015).Album, inedits, corrrespondances et varia.Paris:Editions du Seuil.
Barthes, Roland(2007).Au seminaire.L'Arc.56,129-44.
