  • 期刊

Effects of Magnesium Sulphate Following Spinal Cord Injury in Rats


Neutrophil infiltration has been implicated in the secondary destructive pathomechanisms after initial mechanical injury to the spinal cord. Tissue myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity has been shown to be an exclusive indicator of the extent of post-traumatic neutrophil infiltration. We have studied the effect of magnesium sulphate on MPO activity after spinal cord injury in rats. Rats were randomly allocated into 5 groups. Group 1 was control and normal spinal cord samples were obtained after clinical examination. Forty g-cm contusion injury was introduced to Group 2. Group 3 was vehicle, 1 ml of physiological saline was injected post-trauma. Group 4 was given 30 mg/kg methylprednisolone sodium succinate (MPSS) immediately after trauma. Group 5 was given 600 mg/kg magnesium sulphate immediately after trauma. Animals were examined by inclined plane technique of Rivlin and Tator 24 h after trauma. Spinal cord samples obtained following clinical evaluations. Magnesium sulphate treatment improved early functional scores and decreased MPO activity. These findings revealed that magnesium sulphate treatment possesses neuroprotection on early clinical results and on neutrophil infiltration after acute contusion injury to the rat spinal cord.


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