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A New Species of Rotala L. (Lythraceae) from Kerala, India



本文發表千屈菜科的一個水生新種Rotala meenkulamensis,採集地點在印度喀拉拉邦,明庫蘭姆的紅土高原。此種相近於五蕊水豬母乳,但具下列之特徵而可與相近之分類群辨明:四邊形、有翼、且可高達45公分的的莖,莖節與節間分明,上面分枝,具錐型小苞片,葉卵形至披針型,花萼臂狀突的大小約為萼裂片之2到3倍,缺乏花瓣,雄蕊自萼筒基部長出,子房隱約成三瓣狀,種子具有從凹孔凸出的乳突狀突起。


A new aquatic species of the family Lythraceae (Rotala meenkulamensis) collected from the lateritic plateau at Meenkulam, Kerala, India is described and illustrated here. It is closely allied to R. rosea (Poiret) C. D. K. Cook, but differs in having quadrangular, winged stem, subulate bracteoles, calyx appendages 2-3 times the size of calyx lobes, absence of petals and papillose seeds with a distinct depression.


India Kerala Lythraceae New species Rotala meenkulamensis


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IUCN. 2001. IUCN RED List Categories and Criteria Version 3.1. IUCN Species Survival Commission. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Cambridge, U. K.
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