  • 期刊


The Preliminary Investigations on Bee Mites in Taiwan


經全省八處之調查,發現與蜜蜂發生密切關係的蟎類共有三種:印度蜂蟎(Neocypholaelapsindica, Evans)在臺灣中部春季出現最多,枇杷花爲其主要寄主,其出現於蜜蜂體上並非寄生,僅藉以遷散。在夏季會在梅峰自中華蜜蜂(Apis cerana F. Smite)體上發現。巨鉗蜂蟎(Macrochelid mite),極少出現,亦非寄生生活。蜜蜂蟹蟎(Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans)則爲專寄生蜜蜂之害蟎,此蟎體大,成扁圓形,褐色,寄生於蜜蜂之幼虫、蛹及成蜂。成熟之蜜蜂幼虫在巢房封蓋前,雌蟎即進入其中,待封蓋之後,即開始生殖繁衍。雌蟎卵巢形成卵,但卵卻在子宮內逐漸發育形成胚胎,待完整之六足幼蟎形成便產出,卵殼亦隨之脫去。雌蟎每1~2日產下靜止幼蟎一頭,剛產出之幼蟎六足仍然緊抱,並不活動,待第四對足發育完成,蛻皮而爲前若蟎,方始活動,行寄生生活,此種生殖法應爲卵胎生(Ovovivi-parous)。自幼蟎經三若蟎期,至成蟎約需8~9天。雄蟎尚未被發現。各期形態如圖片說明。蟹蟎在蜂巢內之寄生對象有趨向於雄蜂之偏好,以剛封蓋之幼蜂爲例,平均職蜂幼虫被寄生率爲48.30%,而雄蜂幼虫則為95.08%。蟹蟎寄生職蜂蛹,每蛹室內有1~12頭,平均爲3.56頭;而蟹蟎寄生雄蜂蛹,每蛹室內則有l~14頭,平均爲5.77頭。




Neocypholaelaps indica Evans is a most common species associated with both the wild honeybee (Apis cerana F. Smith) and the italian honeybee (Apis mellif era). It is not a parasitic mite but a phoretic form may utilize honeybees as a means of dispersal. It also appeared numerously in flowers of loquat in Spring at central part of Taiwan. A species of Macrochelid mite present as the same way as above, appears very rarely. Varroa jacobsoni Oudemans is the most important parasitic mite on honeybee (Apis mellifera). It is seen on bees' bodies between thorax and abdomen on the upper side, and between the first three abdomenal segments at the side, rarely found between head and thorax. The female of the mite is the more common there may be up to 12 on worker pupae (av. 3.56), 14 on drone pupae (av. 5.77). The male has not been found yet. The mite reproduces within worker and drone brood. The female gets into cell just before it is capped and lays dormant six-legged larvae on the bee pupa or cell wall every day or two days. In the first the egg forms in the ovary, and it develops an embryo in the uterus until become a complete larva, and then deposited. Obviously the jacobsoni is ovoviviparous. The complete cycle from dormant larva to abult in temperature 30℃ takes eight to nine days. The morphology of every stages of bee mites was described and photographed.



