  • 期刊

適應當前機械化收穫水稻栽培法改善之研究 Ⅰ.生育初期中斷氮肥對防止水稻倒伏及其主要農藝性狀之影響

Studies on the Improvement of Cultural Method to Meet Mechanical Harvest of Rice Ⅰ. Effect of Nitrogen Starvation during the Early Growth Stages on lodging-resistance and Other Agronomic Traits of Ric


在水稻生育初期適度中斷氮肥(Nitrogen starvation)一、二週,似有抑制基部第一、二節間之徒長,增加對倒伏之抵抗性,且以第二期作高溫環境下之處理效果尤爲顯著。但由於初期氮肥之中斷亦相對地引起分解能力減弱,穗數減少,致使稻穀產量未能達到慣行施肥法標準,而抵消了抗倒伏效果。故如何有效地防阻水稻植株倒伏,而又能增加或維持一定的單位面積產量,實有待更進一步的探討研究




In order to meet mechanical harvest of rice, lodging-resistance is one of the most important agronomic traits. ”How to prevent plant-lodging of rice” is an important problem for rice culture at present. This experiment was conducted at Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station in both 1st. and 2nd crops of 1975 to investigate the effect of nitrogen starvation during the early growing stages on lodging-resistance and other agronomic traits of rice. Preliminary results indicated that nitrogen starvation for 1 to 2 weeks during the early growing stages could inhibit the elongation of the basal inter-node and prevented plant-lodging, which was more pronounced under the conditions of high temperature in the second crop. The percentage of lodging at the ripening stages was negatively associated with the duration of nitrogen starvation. Thus, the longer the duration of nitrogen starvation, the lower the percent of lodging. Nitrogen starvation for 1 to 2 weeks during the early growing stages had no significant effect on grain yield; traditional application method T1 showed the highest grain yield, followed by treatments T2, T3, and T4. Nitrogen starvation during the early growing stages caused the decrease of grain yield that appeared to be due to the decrease in either number of panicles per plant or number of spikelets per panicle.


