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Study on Resource-saving Agronomic Crops Production I. Evaluation of Rice Varieties (lines) under Single Summer Crop Cultivation System in Taiwan


臺灣水稻栽培模式有其歷史淵源與政策考量,在面對氣候變遷所造成的水資源不足及現今稻米供過於求的狀況,調整水稻生產模式以因應氣候變遷的影響並節約水資源的耗用有其必要性,而本試驗據此提出將生產模式由現行兩期作調整為每年5月種植至10月收穫的夏季單期作生產模式,並針對水稻品種(系)進行篩選評估。本試驗100個種原材料可劃分為28個稉稻、36個秈稻及36個光敏感品種(系),針對抽穗日數、株高、穗數及病蟲害發生狀況等評估後,發現抽穗日數以光敏感品種(系)最長,秈稻次之,稉稻最短,光敏感品種(系)之抽穗日數較能符合夏季單期作較長之生育日數;株高亦以光敏感品種(系)最高,秈稻次之,稉稻最低;穗數的分群差異則不明顯;病蟲害部分以光敏感品種(系)對瘤野螟與穗稻熱病有較好的抗性。最終依整體評估篩選出8個較具潛力的品種,分別為伊娜谷香糯米(Enaku aromatic glutinous rice)、馬來西亞品種(Malaysia variety)、阿里山香糯(Alishan aromatic glutinous rice)、IR 42、Swa-sub-1、Super Basmati、LLADD及Cuyamel-3820,具有適合臺灣夏季單期作栽培之潛力。


Rice cultivation system in Taiwan has its historical origin and political consideration, but there's an urgent need to improve the system due to the impact of climate change and overproduction. To overcome these problems, this study proposed a single crop cultivation system which grows from May to October, and 100 rice varieties (lines) were evaluated under this system. The investigated rice varieties (lines) consisted of 28 Japonica, 36 Indica and 36 photoperiod-sensitive varieties (lines). The result shows that photoperiod-sensitive varieties (lines) have the longest days to heading which fit the cultivation system the most. Also, they have the highest plants compared to Indica and Japonica. Panicle number shows no obvious difference among various types of varieties (lines). As for pest and disease, photoperiod-sensitive varieties (lines) have better resistance to leaf folder and rice panicle blast. Finally, under the visual evaluation from breeders, 8 varieties including Enaku aromatic glutinous rice, Malaysia variety, Alishan aromatic glutinous rice, IR 42, Swa-sub-1, Super Basmati, LLADD and Cuyamel-3820 were selected with potential for further utilization under this cultivation system.
