  • 期刊


Effect of Grain Size and Shape on Volume Weight and Milling Recovery of Long-Grain Indica Rice


爲期明瞭長粒型秈稻之稻穀之形狀與容重量及碾米率間之相關,於民國68年第1期作及第2期作在嘉義農業試驗分所進行本試驗並得下列初步結果: (一)粒長、長寬比與容重量成負相關,而粒幅則與容重量成正相關,顯示穀粒較短而肥之長粒型秈稻,其容重量較大。 (二)粒長、粒幅與長寬比與糙米率成負相關,顯示穀粒較短而肥之長粒型秈稻,其碾糙率較高,穀粒形狀與白米率及完整米率間之相關較欠明顯,惟糙米率與白米本與完整米率之間成明顯之正相關,其相關係數多達顯著水準。 (三)容重量與糙米率、白米率及完整米率之間亦存有明顯之正相關,部份相關係數亦達顯著水準。顯示容重量較大之長粒型秈稻,其碾糙率、白米率及完整米率亦較高。




The effect of grain size on volume weight and milling recovery of long-grain indica rice was investigated at the Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station in the first and second crops 1979. Some findings are summarized as follows: Grain length and length-width ratio were negatively correlated with volume weight while volume weight was positively associated with grain width. This indicates that shorter and bolder grains have larger volume weight. Grain length and length-width ratio were also negatively associated with milling recovery of brown rice, suggesting that shorter and bolder grains give higher recovery of brown rice. The relationships between grain size and shape with milling rates of white and head rices were less clear. However, correlations between milling recoveries of brown rice and white as well as head rices were positive and mostly significant, indicating that high brown rice recovery will lead to high recoveries of white and head rices. Volume weight was positively and significantly correlated with milling recoveries of brown, white and head rices, showing that long-grain Indica rices with large volume weight will lead to high milling recoveries of brown, white, and head rices.


