  • 期刊


Effect of Different Organic Supplements on the Production of King Oyster Mushroom by Using Bottle Cultivation Technology


本研究利用食用菇瓶栽自動化設備及儀器,進行不同有機添加物對杏鮑菇瓶栽自動化生產所栽培出之菇體品質及出菇特性影響之觀察與測定,其中出菇特性包括平均產量、生物效率與產菇效率、去皮至首次採收及至採收90%產量之日數,以及採收全部產量所須日數等。栽培基質以山黃麻木屑為基本原料,有機營養添加物之種類及添加量佔基質總乾重之百分比分別為配方1) 32%米糠與82%豌豆下料,配方2)50%米糠,配方3)20%黃豆粉,配方4)50%玉米粉及配方5)50%麥麩。配方1與3之菇體品質佳,但平均產量、生物與產菇效率均顯著低於其他3個配方,且去皮至首次採收需時較長,不適於栽培杏鮑菇。配方2之平均產量、生物與產菇效率顯著高於其他所有配方,且去皮至首次採收所需日數最短,但基質容易產生過多子實體,導致茹體品質略差,配方4之平均產量、生物與產菇效率方面顯著高於配方5,而去皮至首次採收所須日數則與後者無顯著差異,而菇體品質則以配方5最優。以上試驗結果可做為重新設計最適當之杏鮑菇栽培基質配方之重要參考依據,因米糠,麥麩及玉米粉做為營養添加物各有其優缺點,若木屑栽培基質內添加米糠後再混合適當比例之玉米粉或麥麩或可達到提高產量及菇體品質,並能改善出菇速度,提高菇舍與機械使用效率,降低生產成本之目的。


Effects of different organic supplements on the yield, biological efficiency (B.E), and production efficiency (P.E) as well as some fruiting behaviors of the King oyster mushroom, Pleurotus eryngii, were assessed and observed. The mushroom was grown by using bottle cultivation technology. Sawdust from India-charcoal trema (Trema orientalis) was used as basic raw material of substrate. The organic supplements and their percentage by dry weight in the substrate were 1)32% of rice bran and 8.2% of cow-pea waste; 2)50% of rice bran; 3)20% of soybean meal; 4)50% of corn meal and 5)50% of wheat bran. Fairly good mushroom quality was observed in the substrates of the formulas 1 and 3, however their average yield, B.E and P.E were significantly lower than those seen in the substrates of all other three formulas. Besides, it took longer time from starting cooling to first picking and to harvesting 90% of total yield. Therefore, the two substrates were apparently not suitable for growing King oyster mushroom. The substrate of the formula 2 easily gave too many fruiting bodies in one bottle resulting in the formation of many small and low quality mushrooms. However, its average yield, B.E and P.E were observed to be significantly higher than those seen in all other substrates. In addition it took least time from starting cooling to first picking and to harvesting 90% of total yield. The average yield, B.E and P.E seen in the substrate of the formula 4 were significantly higher than those seen in the substrate of the formula 5. However, the times taken for the two substrates from starting cooling to first picking and to harvesting 90% of total yield were not significantly different when the experiment was conducted with 48 or 12 bottles of substrate in one replicate. The substrate of the formula 5 gave the best mushroom quality among the five substrates, it produced few fruiting bodies with white long stalk and with appropriate diameter of stalks and caps. The above experimental results can be used as the basis for designing a better formula of substrate for growing the King oyster mushroom. Both advantages and disadvantages can be seen in the three organic supplements-- rice bran, corn meal and wheat bran. It is apparently possible to improve both yield and quality of the mushroom and to increase cropping cycles by working out the best combination of these three organic supplements in the future.


