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Sea Lice (Copepoda, Caligidae) Parasitic on Silver Pomfret (Pampus argenteus) of Taiwan

寄生在台灣產銀鯧(Pampus argenteus)體上的兩種海水魚虱(橈足亞綱、魚虱科)


從產於台灣海峽的銀鯧,Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen),的體表上和鰓腔內發現兩種魚虱(Caligus),C. multispinosus Shen, 1957和C. pampi n. sp.的寄生。後者為世界新種,其最顯著特徵是其胸叉(stemal furca)的兩條分叉相互緊貼。此外,其他值得一提的特徵有:(1)第一對胸腳的外肢其末端的四根硬棘中之中間兩根具副屬枝。(2)第二對胸腳外肢的末節上之第一根硬棘緊靠頂端。(3)第四對胸腳的外肢由兩節構成,其上的棘數與分佈形式為”I-0;Ⅲ”。


海水魚虱 魚虱屬 寄生橈足類 銀鯧 台灣


Two species of Caligus were found parasitic on the body surface and gill cavities of the silver pomfret, Pampus argenteus (Euphrasen), taken from the Strait of Taiwan. They are: C. multispinosus Shen, 1957 and C. pampin. sp. The new species is unique for the Caligus in having the two tines of the sternal furca attached to each other. Other characteristic features are: (1) middle 2 of the 4 terminal elements on the exopod of leg 1 with accessory process, (2) proximal outer spine on the terminal segment of exopod of leg 2 located subterminally, and (3) 2-segmented exopod of leg 4 with an armature formula of I-0; Ⅲ.


sea lice Caligus parasitic copepods Pampus argenteus Taiwan
