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Optimal Stocking Densities of Grouper Epinephelus malabaricus Farming in Taiwan Determined by Bioeconomic Analysis



水產養殖的本質,既是生物性,亦是經濟性。目前,本省石斑魚養殖之放養密度,普遍介於0.88×10^4至3.00×10^4魚苗/每甲地。研究發現,在此放養密度的區間內,若放養密度增加,不會影響石斑魚之活存率。這種操作方式(在此密度區間內,增加放養量)將提升飼料和耗水之生產力,但卻會降低魚苗之生產力。 針對不同性質之生產力,研究進一步發現三種級別之最適放養密度區間。若要提升飼料和耗水之生產力,放養密度應介於(2.3556±0.086555)×1^04魚苗/每甲地。若考量魚苗生產力之提升,則最適放養量應介於(1.5778±0.14256)×10^4魚苗/每甲地。倘若放養密度控制在(2.0778±0.1376)×10^4魚苗/每甲地之區間,則獲利最高。


Aquaculture is not only a biological activity but also an economic activity. The present farming management of grouper ranging in stocking density from 0.88 to 3.00 (× 10^4 fingerling per gia) would not have a significant effect on the survival rate. However, increasing the stocking density but within the present limits may increase the productivities in feed and water but reduce that in fingerling. Three optimal ranges of stocking density for the grouper farming in Taiwan were therefore statistically estimated based on the concerns of varied productivities. The upper and lower limits in stocking density were 2.3556 (± 0.086555) × 10^4 fingerling per gia to obtain an optimal productivity in feed and water. The optimal stocking density should be lowered to a range of 1.5778 (± 0.14256) × 10^4 fingerling per gia if the fingerling productivity is a major concern. However, controlling the stocking densities within a range of 2.0778 (± 0.1376) × 10^4 fingerling per gia would receive the highest total revenue and net revenue, and therefore would be the most profitable.
