  • 學位論文


Exploring Business Strategy and Key Success Factors for Taiwan's Ornamental Fish Business Owners-Based on Diamond Analysis Theory

指導教授 : 蔡青園


觀賞魚產業為高經濟價值產業亦為精緻農業之一,隨著人們知識的增加及資訊的發展,為追求更高之休閒生活及水平,觀賞魚之國際貿易市場愈趨擴大,已成為全球重要經濟價值之產業,根據FAO所做之統計,全球觀賞魚零售市場預測將近60億美元。本研究目的為瞭解臺灣觀賞魚產業發展現況及其國際發展之競爭趨勢,以「鑽石模型」為理論基礎運用其六大構面,進行專家訪談研究之方式,據此探討臺灣觀賞魚產業之經營策略及關鍵成功因素。觀賞魚產業為政府發展生物科技產業的重點之一,本研究所得之結果,期能做為業者經營及政府擬定政策之參考。   經訪談結果得知:於生產要素中,以專業性人才之培養、天然資源及其專業知識為此項中之關鍵成功因素;於需求條件中,以外銷、海外市場及行銷方式為此項中之關鍵成功因素;於相關及支援產業上,以結合支援產業並帶入休閒性複合式經營方式及其相關產業及技術科技上之發展為此項之關鍵成功因素;於產業策略、結構與競爭上,以新品種開發、通路型態、行銷方式及生產技術為此項之關鍵成功因素;於機會,以市場需求及國外參展為此項關鍵成功因素;於政府面向,為檢疫政策及政策修改等為關鍵成功因素。


Ornamental fish industry is one of the intensive agricultures and it brings high economic value. Ornamental fish market has shown increasing demand in recent years due to the change of people’s lifestyle, and it also plays an important role in the high-economic-value industry in the world. According to the statistics of Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the retail markets of the ornamental fish was predicted as high as U.S.D 60 hundred million in the whole world. The purpose of this study tends to understand the development of ornamental fish in Taiwan and the trends of international competition. In this report, Diamond Analysis Theory and its six dimensions is the mainly foundation of theory. This study applied expert interviews to examine Taiwan ornamental fish industry’ s business strategy and key factors to success and make advices and conclusions in order to provide a reference to government and the business people. Empirical results we found different aspects to explain the key factors to success. First, the expertise, professional training, and natural resources are key points for production. Secondly, export, overseas markets and marketing strategies are important factors for requirement. Third, when it comes to the supporting and relating industries, the business models of complex management with leisure industry and combination of technology development are the critical success factors. Fourth, in the aspect of industrial strategy, structure and competition, the critical success factors would be research and development of new varieties, channel of types, marketing of methods and production of technology. Also, the demand of market and the opportunities of attending international fairs/exhibitions are considered as key factors to success. Finally, policy of inspection and policy amend should be powerful factors with respect to government.


洪世章、譚丹琪、廖曉青,2007,企業成長、策略選擇與策略改變,中山管理評論, 15 卷, 1期,11-35。


