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  • OpenAccess


Modes of Cross-Strait News Exchange: A Case Study of the Eastern Broadcasting Co.




The cross-Strait news exchange began in 1987 and has been closer over the last two decades. As a result, a thorough research on modes of it becomes necessary. On the other hand, the Eastern Broadcasting Company (hereinafter referred to as EBC) had claimed its ambition to be a ”Chinese CNN”, which makes it a good subject for such research. News exchange modes between EBC and its mainland counterparts can be categorized as three major types. They are: modes with fee, modes without fee and spillover. Modes with fee deal with equipment rental and news purchase while modes without fee comprise visiting, cooperation and all kinds of support. As for spillover, it's cooperation beyond news sector such as entertainment events. Features of news exchange modes are many, including ”more cooperation, less business”, closeness and stability, asymmetry, region-based heterogeneity and ”exchange politics”. Since Ma took office in May 20, 2008, ties between Taiwan and the mainland are warmer, hence a brighter prospect for news exchange. This writer will conclude his research by offering some suggestions to make use of the newly developed good will to improve cross-Strait news exchange.


