  • 學位論文


An exploratory research on EBC and EBC Facebook news content

指導教授 : 劉立行


網際網路出現改變訊息傳播的模式,回溯1971年,全球出現第一封電子郵件、1980年BBS站台出現,提供訊息傳遞與交流,直到2004年Facebook創立(現為Meta)、2005年Youtube接連問世,使用者能免費上傳影音分享,也逐漸改變訊息傳播方式。 路透新聞學研究所於2016年「數位新聞報告」的調查指出,有51%的民眾將社群媒體當作新聞來源。隨著社群媒體出現,新聞播映不再僅限電視頻道,開始有更多選擇。近年,電視新聞台為了培養固定閱聽眾,興起一股社群經營的風潮。 為了深入瞭解電視新聞台經營社群媒體的模式,本研究以國內經營社群媒體有成,粉絲團人數成長幅度最高的東森新聞台為研究對象,計畫以深度訪談的方式,對東森新聞台經營Facebook的第一線人員進行訪談,以了解組織架構、新聞內容產製和社群經營的操作。 研究發現,經營社群平台的社群編輯角色類似新聞記者,需自行開發議題、搜尋網路熱燒題材,不同在於還需具有剪接、後製的技能,為新聞影音作品加分。新聞影片上架後,要與粉絲互動回應提高粉絲團曝光率。社群編輯一人多工的工作模式,也是因應新媒體崛起後,所產生的新興職業。


The emergence of the Internet has changed the way messages are being transmitted. Back in 1971, the world welcomed the very first email. In 1980, the Bulletin Board System was created, providing a platform for the transmission and communication of messages. This was greatly improved when Facebook (now known as Meta) was being introduced in 2004. In 2005, YouTube was created, providing a free platform for users to share their videos, completely changing the way messages are being transmitted. The Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2016 indicated that 51% of the public rely on social media platforms as sources for daily news. With the emergence of social platforms, news now have more platforms to be aired besides the traditional television. In recent years, there’s a wave of social media news platforms being formed by TV news stations to appeal to a group of selected audience. In order to further understand how TV news stations have set up and manage their social media platforms, this study have selected EBC News as our case study as it is currently one of the TV news stations which have a significant rise in fan base. Through detailed interviews with the people who are managing the Facebook news page for EBC News, this study is aimed to understand the structure, the production of online news and also the fundamentals of running a successful news fan page on a social media platform. Through this study, it is concluded that the editors of the news on social media platforms are just like regular news reporters. They need to come up with the news topics they wish to present and collecting data and information on the latest trending news on the internet. The only difference is that these editors also need to have video editing and post-production skills to make their news more entertaining and interesting towards the public. After the news is being posted online, the editors also need to interact with the fans to increase the exposure of their fan page. Although a social media editor needs to handle a lot of work, but this working position is only made possible after the emergence of new media.


EBC News Facebook News News production


一、 中文部分
王佑瑄 (2018)。Facebook粉絲專頁社群編輯的生產與勞動。未出版碩士論文,交通大學傳播研究所碩士論文。新竹縣。
