  • 學位論文


Exploring Impact of Social Media on Journalists' Practice Work

指導教授 : 紀慧君


社群網站的興起,人們獲取資訊的方式產生根本上的變化,愈來愈多人使用各種的社群網站作為重要的新聞資訊來源。當社群媒體此一兼具大眾傳播與人際溝通的媒體,漸漸成為閱聽人生活中不可或缺的必需品時,勢必會對傳統新聞產製及專業的概念產生影響或挑戰。社群媒體對於傳統新聞的產製造成極大的影響。因其特性而改變了新聞產業的工作方式。 自 Web 2.0 的到來,尤其是 Facebook等社群網站的出現,使新聞的製作和發布方式發生了很大的變化(Becker and Vlad, 2009),記者們面臨許多根本性的職業轉變。社群媒體改變了新聞媒體的產製方式,記者正面臨著工作慣例、職業文化、與閱聽人關係的變化,甚至可能是成為記者的意義。 本研究透過「半結構式深度訪談法」,並以傳統大眾媒體中需要外出跑新聞、製作新聞的文字記者為主要研究對象,進一步探討社群媒體如何影響記者們的日常產製工作。本研究發現,社群媒體在新聞記者的產製工作中帶來龐大的變化與影響,個個工作環節都有社群媒體的參與。從消息來源的擴大以及與消息來源互動模式的改變,也進而影響了查證工作的程序。社群媒體給予記者一個可以公開發聲的管道,因而出現了有關客觀性的新問題。也因社群媒體的出現,使得新聞記者的工作內容和所需技能也都在不斷增加,更是影響到新聞記者的傳統角色,使新聞記者的工作內涵出現了轉化。本研究的分析結果,發現了新聞記者目前在產製新聞工作上的改變以及影響,並提出了記者傳統角色的變化,指出新聞記者在當今台灣的媒體環境及數位科技快速變動下所面臨到的問題。


The rise of social networking sites has fundamentally changed the way people obtain information. More and more people use social networking sites as important news sources. When social media, a media that combines mass communication and interpersonal communication, gradually becomes an indispensable necessity in the life of audience, it will definitely have an impact or challenge on the production system of traditional news. Social media has a great influence on the production of traditional news. Its characteristics have changed the way the news industry works. Since the advent of Web 2.0, especially social networking sites such as Facebook, which has brought about major changes in the way news is produced and distributed (Becker and Vlad, 2009), journalists have faced many fundamental career changes. Social media has transformed the way of journalism production, and journalists are facing changes in work practices, professional culture, relationships with audience, and perhaps even what it means to be a journalist. This paper through the "semi-structured interview method", and focuses on journalists who need to produce news in traditional mass media, to further explore how social media affects journalists' daily production work. This paper found that social media has brought huge changes and influences in the journalists' practice work, and social media has participated in every work link. The expansion of sources and changes in the mode of interaction with sources have in turn affected the verification process. Social media has given journalists an outlet to speak out publicly, and new questions about objectivity have arisen. Due to the emergence of social media, the work content and required skills of journalists are also increasing, which affects the traditional role of journalists and transforms the connotation of the work of journalists. The results of this paper find out the changes and influences of journalists in the production of news work, and put forward the changes in the traditional role of journalists, pointing out the problems that journalists face in today's Taiwanese media environment and the rapid changes in digital technology.


Social Media Journalist Reporter Practice Work


〈臺灣民眾對五大媒體之評價〉(2020年06月14日)。取自臺灣傳播調查資料庫網頁。 https://crctaiwan.dcat.nycu.edu.tw/ResultsShow_detail.asp?RS_ID=112
