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The Inspirations of the U. S. Committee for Public Information on the Establishment of Propaganda Institution and the Uses of Propaganda Strategies




By using the historical and documental research methods, this study is intended to examine the inspirations of the U. S. Committee for Public Information (CPI) on the establishment of Propaganda Institution and the Uses of Propaganda Strategies. The CPI was established by U. S. former president W. Wilson and was the first U. S. government-built propaganda institution. The CPI brought some impacts on the continuing research of public opinion and propaganda. In terms of inspirations on the establishment of propaganda institution, this study concluded with the following: the normalization of propaganda institution and operation, the sophisticated divisions of organization, and the management of people's perception. The inspirations on the propaganda strategies include the combination of interpersonal and mass communication channels, the rough concept of integrated marketing communication, and the principles of effective communication. The study has been divided into five parts, including the introduction; the literature review; the background, divisions and strategies of Committee for Public Information; the inspirations of Committee for Public Information on the establishment of propaganda institution and the uses of propaganda strategies; and conclusion.
