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Prevention and Treatment Techniques of Substance Abuse in the U.S. Military


「致癮物質濫用」(substance abuse)廣泛包含了軟性毒品,例如:酒精、尼古丁、咖啡因等,會讓經常使用者上癮的物質。美軍早在南北戰爭期間,就開始注意致癮物質濫用的問題。時至今日,致癮物質濫用的使用類型雖有所改變,但軍隊成員濫用的比例卻不減反增。由於軍隊是合法的武器分子,將武器交給有致癮物質濫用之虞的軍人,將會引發嚴重的紀律與安全問題。因此美軍早在1794年就制定致癮物質濫用防制的相關法令,各軍種也開始推行不同的防治計畫,預防並處遇致癮物質濫用問題所帶來的傷害。本研究昌在探討美軍致癮物質濫用預防計畫內容,並介紹四種常見的處遇技巧-運用「CAGE問題」、「建設性的面質」、「動機式晤談法」以及「尋求安全法」。並援引美國海軍陸戰隊下士Joe的案例,說明上述處遇技巧在實務上的應用。最後借鏡美軍的防治經驗提出三點建議,裨益國軍未來提升致癮物質濫用預防及處遇的成效。


"Substance abuse" refers to substances except drugs lead to an individual's addiction and the definition is similar to "drug abuse". The content of substance abuse includes addictive drugs (e.g.: alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, etc.,).During the Civil War, the U.S. military paid attention to the issue of substance abuse. Nowadays, the type of substance abuse changed, but more and more people are addicted. Placing a weapon into the hands of some who might be under the influence of mind- or mood-altering substance can have devastating consequences. Therefore, a formalized substance abuse prevention effort in the U.S. military was acted by congress. They are devoted to actions to prevent and deal with the negative effects. The purpose of this study is to explore the content of prevention of substance abuse in the U.S. military and describes four common treatment techniques-"CAGE-question"、"motivational interview"、"constructive confrontation" and "seeking safety". Quoting the case vignette of Joe (E4), illustrates the empirical application of these treatment techniques.
