  • 期刊


The Application of Pressure Gradient Statistics for Determining Fluid Contact


透過地層壓力梯度分析決定油氣層 流體界面(氣油、氣水或油水界面),對於評估油氣原始埋藏量(Original Oil or Gas in Place, OOIP or OGIP)極為重要,尤其對於大型油氣田,該界面評估之確定性對於後續評估蘊藏量影響甚鉅。因油氣水流體密度不同,故地層的壓力梯度隨所含流體而異,因而可藉由壓力梯度研判流體界面的深度,進而推斷油氣儲集層的厚度以估算油氣蘊藏量。傳統油層工程上,可透過地層模組動態測試(Module Dynamic Test, MDT)或油氣層描述測試(Reservoir Description Test, RDT)工具,量測油氣儲集層中地層壓力隨深度之變化,然而透過MDT或RDT分析往往因壓力資料品質和地層深度誤差造成不確定性。本研究以A礦區B構造數口井之資料為例,透過蒙地卡羅統計(Monte-Carlo)方法評估壓力梯度資料迴歸分析之不確定性,和其對於流體界面分析之影響,同時以統計分析方法確保迴歸分析品質,藉此更加深入了解統計方法於壓力梯度分析之應用。


The determination of the fluid contact (gas-oil, gas-water or oil-water contact) through pressure gradient analysis is an important work for evaluating the original oil or gas in place (OOIP or OGIP). For example, the uncertainty of fluid contact will significantly impact the accuracy of reserve evaluation in large oil and gas fields. In terms of the reservoir engineering, the data for pressure versus depth is measured by the logging tools named Module Dynamic Test (MDT) or Reservoir Description Test (RDT). The density is distinct for three phases in the reservoir, and it implies obviously different pressure gradients for the relationship between formation pressure and depth. However, through MDT or RDT data analysis, we often encounter the poor quality of pressure data and formation depth. In this study, the pressure gradient statistics is introduced to analyze the fluid contact. The Monte-Carlo method is used to evaluate the uncertainty of the regression for pressure gradient and its influence on the fluid contact by taking several wells in the B structure of the A oil field as the real case. Meanwhile, statistical analysis is utilized to ensure the quality of regression lines, so as to obtain a deeper understanding of the application of statistical methods in pressure gradient analysis.
