  • 期刊


A Study of Sustainable Development Strategy for Small Islands by Surveying CO2 Emission


永續發展為全球趨勢,亦是維持人類與自然界共存共榮之原則,當前地球因人類過度消費與開發而引發溫室效應、氣候暖化、生態衰減、自然災害等現象,已影響到地球上的每一個人,各國為減緩氣候變遷而制定京都議定書,規範全球二氧化碳之排放,在京都議定書生效之後我國對二氧化碳排放之控制已無法置身度外,如何削減CO2之排放已是我國經濟發展之重要課題。 世界各國皆訂定有評估區域永續發展指標之機制,然而各國探討之區域皆為開放性之社區、都市或地域,其評估方式十分複雜,而且不易統計分析。若針對封閉型之區域(如島嶼)進行CO2平衡之分析,則其結果將更為精準,本文以金門為研究標的之島嶼特性,以島嶼二氧化碳之排放與固定量之關係,探討島嶼之永續民生消費與開發建設行為,利用島嶼建設資材之使用量與民生能源之消費量推算CO2之排放量,而以島嶼綠地面積與植被種類推算CO2之固定量,並依CO2之排放與固定量分析檢討島嶼之開發與消費行為策略,由CO2之排放比例可發現,在扣除製造業,金門人均CO2排放量為臺灣之1.18倍,而人均水泥使用量為臺灣之3倍,相較於臺灣本島金門之硬體建設已過量,若金門欲達成京都議定書之規定,則每年應削減104,000公噸之CO2排放,因此地方政府應抑制不當之建設,推動閒置空間再利用,酌量減少全島之消費,並加強投資生態保育與人文建設,方可達島嶼型永續發展之目標。


二氧化碳 永續發展 島嶼 金門


Sustainable development is now a worldwide trend and a principle of co-existence and co-prosperity between human beings and the Mother Nature. Global warming, climate change, ecosystem decaying and natural disasters mainly due to over exploitation of natural resources by human, are affecting each individual on this planet. Kyoto Protocol was therefore initiated and implemented to regulate greenhouse gases, mainly CO2 emission, and to slow down global climate change. The way to effectively lower CO2 emission in Taiwan is a crucial challenge to our industry and economy. Regional sustainable development indices have been proposed and assessed in many countries to identify critical factors to the detriment of an environment; however, due to frequent interactions among different communities, cities, and regions, the indices are complicated and sometimes hard to be evaluated. However, in confined regions such as islands, some indices can be evaluated more precisely. Therefore, it is the objective of this study to obtain a workable index on CO2 emission and fixation and to seek adequate island development strategies for Kinmen based upon the findings. The total CO2 emission of Kinmen was estimated by calculating the individual emission from materials used in construction and civil consumption. Comparing CO2 emission ratios between Kinmen and Taiwan, it was found that excluding manufacture emission, CO2 emission per capita in Kinmen was 1.18 times of that of Taiwan. And, Kinmen's cement consumption per capita was 3 times of that of Taiwan. The result manifests that as a small island, Kinmen is obviously over developed and has undergone too much construction. To fulfill the requisition of Kyoto protocol, reduction of 104,000 tons a year in CO2 emission is required. Improper developments should be stopped, neglected public spaces should be considered for reuse, and energy consumption should be reduced. To implement endemic insular sustainable development strategies, investment in ecological conservation and culture preservation should be the island's top priority.


CO2 sustainable development island Kinmen




