  • 期刊


Politics of Public Space Maintenance: Park Cleaning in the Sanchong District, New Taipei City




Urban public space needs continuous maintenance to operate, but critical research on public space often disregards maintenance labor, resulting in some deficiencies in the discussion of space politics. This study takes the park in Sanchong District of New Taipei City as an example to discuss the organization, operation and possible significance of public space cleaning work, so as to expand the horizon of public space research. The composition of the park's cleaning work, including management systems, division of labor, and typical and atypical labor processes, are described through on-site observations and interviews with the Environmental Protection Bureau, district offices, residents, chief of neighborhoods and cleaning staff. Accordingly, this study further explores how female-dominated cleaning staff extends or incorporates the field of housework into the cleaning work process, customize their work methods through flexible adjustments, arrange work as well as rest time and space, and deal with surveillance eyes of all parties. The authors argue that attention to the maintenance of public spaces can link a wider range of care work and expand an urbanism centered on caring for places and maintenance of cities.


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