  • 期刊


Studies on the Improvement of Germination Ability for Waxgourd (Benincasa hispida Cogn.) Seeds




冬瓜 種子發芽力 休眠


The germination percentage of waxgourd (Benincasa hispida Cogn.) need is near zero, which was demonstrated as dormancy. Dormant status wan released gradually daring storage at room temperature, and speed of germination was increased. The duration of dormancy was about 80 days, and germination percentage raised to 99.3% at that lime, Dormancy of fresh seeds could be broken either by KNO3 (0.4%) and GA(0.1%) presoaking treatments, or by 5℃ pre-chilling treatment for 7 days. The best result was KNO3, which raised germination percentage to 85.5%. Temperature were tested for germination, and it appeared that between 15℃ and 35 ℃ the higher temperature the higher germination percentage. Mothods of germination lest showed that top of paper, between papers, top of sand, and between sand were not significantly different. Seeds immersed for 24 hours was enough for germinating, and prolong immersion was sot necessary.
