  • 期刊


A Study on the Effects of Major Construction Works on Rural Communities-An Example From the Nanshih Community of Wufong Village, Taichung County, Taiwan Regarding Construction of State Freeway No.3


921地震,霧峰受創嚴重,人口大量外流,地震的陰影使得房地產交易活動完全停頓,成交量銳減至趨近於零。震後,重大交通建設逐一完成,使霧峰又恢復生機,包括中投快速道路及中二高均經過霧峰,並設有交流道,加上災後重建完成,陰影遠離,人口再度回流,房市交易也開始熱絡。當然,這些交通建設著實為霧峰居民帶來商機的復甦與對外交通的便利,但這些重大的交通建設用地多半屬於農業生產用地,在這樣的土地利用之下,是否對農村社區居民產生影響,實在是值得省思的地方。本研究針對台中縣霧峰鄉南勢社區居民以問卷方式作定性定量分析。再利用SPSS 統計分析軟體進行分析,以交叉分析及T檢定進行顯著性分析,了解各問題之關聯性;分析各類變因之次數分配及平均數,再綜合以上之分析結果做出本研究之結論。研究結果發現,南勢社區居民對於中二高的建設,多數居民皆認為帶來適時且便利的生活與生產環境;相對地,大部分的居民認為中二高之建設,並不會對他們社區的生活環境品質或自然生態景觀有太大的影響。調查之結果雖與本研究所預期有所差入,但本研究希望未來政府在擬定交通計畫時,能更嚴謹地進行規劃與評估,進而使交通建設通過的農村社區居民能在便利的交通建設下,也有更優質健康的生活環境品質與自然的農村生態景觀。


Wufong was seriously damaged in the 9/21 earthquake disaster, and much of its population was moved out. The aftermath of the earthquake resulted in a complete halt in real estate transaction. Some important construction work was gradually completed after the disaster to revive the prosperity of Wufong, including the Taichung-Nantou Expressway and State Freeway No. 3, which went through Wufong with an interchange set-up. Moreover, after post-disaster reconstruction was successfully completed, the population of Wufong was moved back, and the local housing market heated up.Of course, these major constructional works brought not only prosperity to Wufong residents, but also convenient transportation. Since most of the land used for construction was previously devoted to agricultural production, we wonder whether or not this affected the rural community's residents.The results of this study indicate that most N. C. residents feel that construction of the state freeway No. 3 brought them an appropriate convenient living and production environment. In contrarily, most residents do not feel that construction of state Freeway No. 3 have much effect on their living environment quality or natural ecological landscape. Although we had differential result from our expectation, we still hope that our government has to take a hard look at the assessment for planning a transportation construction work in the future. So that the rural community residents who have convenient transportation by a by-pass transportation construction, can enjoy their healthy or improved environment quality and natural rural ecological landscape.


