  • 期刊


Improvement on the Fungal Resistance of Wood Treated with O&D Treatment


本研究目的在於改善傳統ACQ處理材之耐腐朽性。試材先採用O&D壓縮前處理,再以滿細胞加壓法將藥劑注入木材,期能有效增加處理材內ACQ防腐藥劑之含量與滲透深度,進而提升其耐腐朽效能。為評估新防腐處理方法對於處理材之性質與耐腐性之實質效益,本研究將傳統(無O&D壓縮前處理)與經O&D壓縮前處理之試材,分別以滿細胞加壓法注入6%之銅烷基銨化合物(Ammoniacal copper quats, ACQ),所得兩種處理材再分別以光電子光譜儀(Electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis, ESCA)、傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, FTIR)與能量散射光譜分析儀(Energy dispersive X-ray analysis, EDX)等,分析處理材內藥劑之銅離子(Cu)分佈、含量與官能基變化;同時亦參考ASTM D-1413 (2007)土壤木塊試驗法,採用兩種褐腐菌(Laetiporus sulphureus 與Gloeophyllum trabeum)及一種白腐菌(Trametes versicolor)等進行耐腐朽性評估。以ESCA、FTIR及EDX等分析不同條件處理材之試驗結果顯示,經O&D壓縮前處理之ACQ處理材較傳統ACQ 處理材,其藥劑滲透深度較深且均勻,並含有較高之Cu含量;而耐腐朽性試驗結果亦顯示,經O&D壓縮前處理較傳統之ACQ處理材,其質量損失率更小,具有更佳之耐腐朽性。


The objective of this research was to improve the fungal resistance of wood treated with ACQ preservative. Two methods including O&D treatment and traditional wood preservation treatment (full cell pressure process) for chemicals addition were individually applied together to improve the chemical retention, permeation, and fungal resistance of the ACQ-treated wood. To evaluate the effects of O&D treatment on the chemical distribution, penetration and durability of treated-wood, the experimental specimens were treated without/and with O&D treatment and then treated with 6% ammoniacal copper quats (ACQ) using full cell pressure process. Following the treatment, the concentrations and distributions of copper ion at different depth of cross section in the treated-woods were analyzed by electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (ESCA), fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and energy dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX). Brown-rot fungi (Laetiporus sulphureus and Gloeophyllum trabeum) and a white-rot fungus (Trametes versicolor) were applied in soil block test for fungal decay resistance test of the treated woods as described in ASTM D-1413 (2007). Results revealed that the ACQ chemical distribution and permeation in O&D treat-wood at different depth in the cross section, as analyzed by ESCA, FTIR and EDX, were more even and deeper than those of the non-O&D treated-wood. Meanwhile, O&D treated-wood showed less mass losses after exposure to soil block test than those of the non-O&D treated-wood, indicating the fungal decay resistance of wood can be improved by O&D treatment.
