  • 期刊


Population Ecology of Euonymus Pallidifolia Hayata in Hengchun Peninsula


淡綠葉衛矛(Euonymus pallidifolia Hayata)又名恆春衛矛,爲台灣嚴重瀕臨絕滅之特有植物,全世界僅生長在台灣恆春半島南端低海拔之高位珊瑚礁岩上,族群數量非常稀少。本研究旨在調查恆春半島內之淡綠葉衛矛族群生態,以供爲管理與保育之參考。本研究共設置21個樣區,每一樣區由4個(5×5平方公尺)小區組成,樣區中與淡綠葉衛矛共同出現之植物共計63科121屬144種維管束植物,其中列爲稀有植物有7科7種,其植群型爲軟毛柿-紅柴型與雀榕-紅柴型。地徑與樹高之迴歸式爲y=4.1275X^2+69.531X+6.5827,R^2=0.8091;淡綠葉衛矛族群的年齡結構呈反J型,顯示其更新良好,屬於穩定型族群;族群的死亡率在地徑第2、3級可能因爲競爭而升高,年齡約至25年左右達生理壽命而死亡;製做各地區族群靜態生命表,在關山與大平頂地區爲目前調查淡綠葉衛矛族群生育地面積最大、數量最多的地區,其生育地爲珊瑚礁岩之上坡與稜線。


Euonymus pallidifolia Hayata, Hengchun pallidifolia, is an endemic and critically endangered species with small populations growing on uplifted coral-reef of low elevation in southern Hengchun Peninsula. The purpose of the investigation was to provide basic reference data for the management and conservation of E. pallidifolia in Hengchun Peninsula. Twenty-one sampling plots were established in the area, each plot was composed of four 5×5M^2 quadrats. The vascular plants inventory recorded a total of 63 families, 121 genera and 144 species. Seven species among 7 families were classified as rare plants. There were two vegetation types, Diospyros eriantha-Aglaia formosana type and Ficus superba var. japonica-Aglaia formosana type. The regression equation between DGH and tree height was y=-4.1275X^2+69.531X+6.5827, R^2=0.8091. The age structure of E. pallidifolia was reverse J-shaped, representing well-regenerated. It indicated a stable population. It had higher mortality at DGH 2 and 3 class than others, which may have resulted from competition. It approached the physiological life around twenty-five years old. Static life table of each areas were shown by local survey. We observed the main habitats of the populations of E. pallidifolia at Guanshanin and Dapingding. Both sampling plots were located on upslope and uplifted coral-reef, and had the biggest populations.
