  • 期刊


Incorporating Problem-Based Learning in Outdoor Recreation Education for Promoting Low Impact Behaviors in Forestry Areas


問題導向學習方式(problem-based learning, PBL)的課程設計特點是讀學生透過執行預設的任務,讓學生處於真實世界可能會發生的情境之中,解決該情境發生的各種議題,因此特別適合運用在協助學生深入瞭解與解決真實世界中的問題。硬生態旅遊行為指的是負責任的旅遊行為。人們進入山林環境從事遊憩活動,常因為片面瞭解或是誤判情況,而有不負責任的行為產生。如何培養新世代學子既具備遊憩環境知識,並將知識轉換為責任行為是森林遊憩教育的挑戰。傳統的課程設計將環境視為科學「物體」,僅限於瞭解環境的功能,無助於學生採取低衝擊的遊憩行為。因此,協助學生獲取低衝擊的理念,並於遊憩時採取負責任的行為,課程探討的議題與內容必須針對傳遞山林遊憩情境中的低衝擊行為而設計。本文即呼應這個需求所提出的森林遊憩教育課程的改善方案。文中介紹運用問題導向學習於森林遊憩教育課程的設計之中,以協助大學生對山林環境與遊憩衝擊有深入的認識,並獲取健行活動所需之知識與技能。課程計劃傳遞的規範架構於「無痕山林」的七個原則之上,並納入責任旅遊的理念。課程之進行,除室內教學外,另有安排一次低衝擊之山林健行,讓修課學生實際規劃與參與步道健行,以親身體驗累積適用於山林的低衝擊遊憩經驗。教學效果採量化方式評量,結果顯示親近自然的程度上升,有強烈修課動機的學生比缺乏動機的同學有增加低衝擊行為知識。


The Problem-based learning (PBL) is a pedagogical approach that involves presentation of a topic-related problem or situation. Problem solutions require students to practice skills of analysis, integration, and application. The value of responsible tourism emphasizes strong environmental commitment and deep learning. People who adopt this value ought to take low impact behaviors (LIB) as traveling. However, travelers might have fully intension to take LIB, but fail to do so due to lack of situation specific knowledge and experience. This paper suggested that educators could valuably employ problem-based learning in the preparation of students for adopting LIB in forestry areas. Following a brief review of the characteristics of PBL and its designing principles of course development. A case of such application to undergraduate students is given. Self-evaluation questionnaire was used to assess the class effect. The result revealed that students felt connected to the nature more. Also, students who were interested in taking the class had better understanding of LIB than students who were not.
