  • 期刊


The Application of Agricultural Technology in Taiwan-Current Situation and Prospects


台灣傳統農業型態近幾年來,面臨知識經濟與WTO自由貿易之壓力,除了生產銷售體系結構必須轉變外,新科技的整合亦帶給農業科技新的契機。本文主要著重於我國農應用層面的現況檢視,以進一步探討目前發展之優勢與劣勢,作為未來產學研界在農業基礎科學發展及農業相關政策擬定之基礎。 過去農業文獻多採書目資料庫之收集與管理,無法呈現我國農業技術實際的研發能量及發展方向,因此透過技術分析模式將文獻內容給予結構化,進行分類。結果得知所有農業試單位近四年期間所投入的研究,相較研究機構,以推廣性質之文獻居多,然而近年來大量累積的維廣技術之研究能量迄今仍為公共財,尚未導入智慧財產權的觀念,因此使得農業試驗單位的研發成果不易顯現及被重視。另外農業技術目前仍多著重於栽培養殖、病蟲害防治、新品種開發等技術,目的為提高農產品之單位面積產量,並降低生產成本。在未來朝向知識農業的發展上,可進一步整台其他的科技領域,包括機電、材料、保健醫學、資訊、服務等學科領域,以加值應用於農業產運銷環節的作業上,才能提升農業的科技競爭力及產業的發展。


Taiwan's tradition agriculture pattern has faced the Impact of the knowledge economy and the free-trade agreement with the WTO. An increasing effort is needed in changing market structure and integrating new technology. Therefore, it is important to survey the application of agricultural technology in Taiwan for the decision making agencies to improve agriculture competitive ability. This study uses several market-oriented analysis models to survey literatures for the current situation of technologies for agricultural application published by agricultural research institutes. However, most literatures are extension papers and belong to public goods. To fulfill the ideas of commercializing and industrializing agricultural technology, it is important to find a balance between the welfare and the intellectual property rights. Additionally, agricultural technology developments are still emphasis on production, prevention of insect and diseases, and varietal development to increse the yield of crops and reduce the production cost. In other words, agriculture remains to be a primary industry. In the future the knowledge-based agriculture would integrate with other fields such as mechanics electro lies, material science, health care, information service, and so on. The integration of multidisciplinary fields would provide value through the linkage between agricultural production and marketing in order to accelerate Taiwan's agricultural technology strength and industry development.


