  • 期刊


Development of Graphic Monitoring System and Analysis of Sucking Characteristics for a Needle Type Seeding Machine


本研究主要分為圖形監控系統開發和種子吸附特性分析兩部分。圖形監控系統以Visual Basic開發針式播種機之人機介面,透過RS232與可程式控制器(PLC)的串列通訊,可直接監控針式播種機之作動狀態。播種機之吸附特性分析則是應用真空幫浦與真空壓力感測器,利用真空壓力感測器,感測吸附針有無吸附種子,開發的圖形監控系統能立即分析種苗播種機之播種精度。試驗研究以小白菜球形種子與蕃茄扁形種子進行測試,使用128格圓形穴盤和19-27號種子吸附針,試驗結果顯示球形小白菜種子以22號吸附針(直徑0.70mm),配合震盪度2.0(振幅0.39mm)和2.5(振幅0.71mm)時,播種精度可達100%;扁型番茄種子以24號吸附針(直徑0.55mm),配合震盪度2.5時,播種精度可達96.09%。本研究所開發的圖形監控系統,能即時分析播種精度,其值與人工計數之實際播種精度比較,平均誤差率可小於5%。


播種機 圖形監控 吸附


This study looked at the graphic monitoring system and analyzed the sucking characteristics of a needle type seeding machine. Visual Basic was used to develop the human machine interface, which could monitor the operations of the seeding machine through the communication between the serial port and PLC. The analysis of the suckingcharacteristics of the needle type seeding machine was performed by usinga vacuum pump and a vacuum pressure sensor to determine if there was a seed on the seed-sucking needle. Then the graphic monitoring system could analyze the seeding success rate. Spherical cabbage seeds and flat tomato seeds, seed trays with 128 of round cells and seed-sucking needles of No.19 to 27 were used in the experimental tests. Experimental results indicated that the seeding success rate was 100 % for the spherical cabbage seeds under the conditions of the vibration scale of 2.0 (amplitude of 0.39 mm) and 2.5 (amplitude of 0.71 mm) with No.22 suckin gneedle (diameter of 0.70 mm). And the seeding success rate was 96.09 % for the flat tomato seeds under the conditions of the vibration scale of 2.5 with No.24 suckin gneedle (diameter of 0.55 mm). Using the developed graphic monitoring system could achieve the real-time calculation of the seeding success rates with an average error of less than 5% compared with the values by manual calculation.


Seeding machine graphic monitoring Sucking
