  • 期刊


A Study of the Developing Strategy for the Tea Industry in Maokong


臺北市木柵地區週邊的「貓空」,是生產烏龍茶系中鐵觀音的茶區,也以觀光聞名。然而當地屬於「自然保護區」,相關硬體開發一直都受到嚴格的法令規範,致使當地茶業發展面臨侷限而亟須開創性策略以協助突破現況。緣此,本文整理文獻,以及訪談相關民間與政府機關主事者之意見,規劃貓空地區茶業發展之方向,以期對提昇貓空地區茶產業附加價值有具體貢獻。本文以體驗經濟學為基礎,整合貓空纜車以及周邊名勝古蹟如指南宮等既有觀光資源,提出娛樂性(entertainment experience)、教育性(education experience)、脫離現實性(escapist experience)以及唯美性(esthetic experience)等之體驗內容供當地相關業者參酌。最後建議臺北市政府應成立跨局處單一窗口,成為推展全市觀光產業的重要決策與執行單位。


茶業 農業觀光 體驗經濟 貓空


Maokong has relied on the production of Oolong tea and on tourism for a long time. However, it has been zoned as a "reservation area", whereby land usage and development is constrained by strict laws and regulations. Therefore, obstacles for new ventures have become a bottleneck for tea industry development. This study reviews the literature and interviews relevant citizens and officials to ascertain recommendations for the future development of the tea industry in the Maokong area. Using the theory of Experience economics and by integrating existing resources in Maokong area, strategies for entertainment, educational, escapist, anesthetic experiences are proposed that will allow local businesses to enhance their performance in the future. Finally, it is recommended to establish a new division that coordinates all opinions from different interest groups and fully authorizes all relevant planning work to expand and promote the tourism industry in Taipei City.


tea industry tourism experience economics Maokong
