  • 期刊


Party Politics of the Philippines: From a Two-Party to Multi-Party System


菲律賓在戰後頭二十年實施類似美國的兩黨制,在馬可仕的戒嚴統治下,政黨政治宣告結束。當馬可仕垮台後,菲國再民主化,但民粹主義之思潮影響下,菲國沒有重回馬可仕以前的兩黨政治,無論在憲法及相關制度之設計或一般人民流行的政治觀念裡,保障弱勢政黨及團體,反對傳統的寡頭政客,是促成政黨往多元化發展的兩個主要原因。 從艾奎諾夫人執政以來觀察,菲國「人民之力量」促成了再民主化,而再民主化的一個基本精神是鞏固一九八七年憲法,以及最重要者是已解決了政權合法性問題。對於像菲律賓這樣一個經濟和社會不發展的國家而言,此一日趨強固的憲政主義可能是菲國政治維持穩定的重要因素。


菲律賓 政黨 寡頭 多黨制 憲政主義


In the two decades after the end of World War II, the Philippines implemented a two-party political system similar to that of the United States. Party politics was suspended when Marcos imposed martial law in 1972, however. After the downfall of the Marcos regime, the Philippines again embarked on the road of democratization and established a multi-party system under the influence of populism. The constitution’s emphasis on protecting weak parties and groups and opposing oligarchy has been contributive to the development of the multi-party system. Since President Aquino took office, “people's power” has been the catalyzer for redemocratization. The basic spirit of the redemocratization campaign is to consolidate the 1987 constitution and the legitimacy of the government. In an economically and socilly underdeveloped country such as the Philippines, this increasingly strong emphasis on constitutionalism is the key reason for continual political stability.


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