  • 期刊


The European Union's Foreign Policy Towards China in the 1990s


早在冷戰時期,歐美之間即發展出十分緊密的聯盟關係,冷戰結束後的亞洲也藉由亞太經濟合作會議強化與美國的政經合作關係,唯獨歐亞之間的互動機制仍有待建構,直到一九九六年首度召開的亞歐高峰會才算是形成了美、歐、亞競爭與合作的三角戰略關係架構。觀察歐洲聯盟共同外交暨安全政策可知,美、歐、亞三邊的互動往往會影響到歐盟的對外政策走向,如果能夠掌握歐盟積極與中國建立友好關係背後所代表的意涵,相當程度上就可以蠡測歐盟與美國未來在亞太地區的競爭態勢。因此,本文主要是根據歐盟對中國一系列的政策決議文,試著依循近十年來雙邊互動關係的歷史軌跡,剖析歐盟透過合作取代對抗,藉以敦促中國走向開放道路的新思維,並勾勒出歐盟中國政策的具體架構,包括一、交往合作取代制裁圍堵;二、人權政策由對抗轉為對話;三、協助中國加入世界貿易組織(World Trade Organization;以下簡稱WTO),創造互利互賴。


歐洲聯盟 政治對話 人權


As early as the start the Cold War, Europe and America had developed a very tight alliance relationship. After the Cold War, Asia had also strengthened the political and economic relationship with America through the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (APEC). The interaction mechanisms between Europe and Asia, however, were not functioning. With the Asia-Europe meeting (ASEM) in 1996, the structure of the triangular competitive and cooperative strategic relationship between America, Europe and Asia was formed. Based on the CFSP of theEuropean Union, obviously is that the trilateral interaction between America, Europe, and Asia frequently affect the foreign policy of the EU. Understanding that the EU actively built a friendly relationship with China behind the scenes helps us speculate on the future competition between EU and America in the Asia-Pacific area. Therefore, based on the developments of the bilateral relationship, this article will discuss the reasons why cooperation replaces opposition as the key point of the EU’s China policy. To sum up, obvious is that the first and most important goal of the EU’s China policy is to urge China to make political reforms and build a free society. The substantial intention of the EU’s China policy is to maintain sustainable development and maximize the interests between China and the EU.


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