  • 期刊


Reflections on the Constitutionalization of WTO Laws: The Emergence of International Constitutionalism and Its Impacts on International Public Law


國際憲政主義概念固然有待精確定義,但有關世貿規約憲政主義化的見解,已然成為國際法學界討論國際憲政主義概念的藍本。國際憲政主義概念的演化暨發展方向,可能影響到國際社會法律體系的建構,以及國家未來在國際社會所受到的司法制約程度。展望未來,世貿規約憲政主義化的經驗進程,是否會對國際法其它面向的法理論縫造成影響,繼續將人權概念置入永績發展、國際環境保護、氣候變遷機制與海洋環境保育等議題的論證當中,並以人類社群整體福祉之極大化為前提,為沒有參與締約的第三方創造國際責任與義務,值得吾人深入並且持續的進行觀察。 本文首先將勾勒出全球化對國際公法造法機制所產生的挑戰,探索憲政主義概念應用於國際公法的發展,再以世貿規約的憲政主義化發展為例,撿視國際憲政主義概念運用於世貿規約的不同主張,最後勾勒出國際憲政主義主張,對國際社會法律體系演變之影響。希冀透過國際憲政主義各種不同觀點之檢視,揭示國際公法規範暨世貿制度改革之深層意義。


Despite debates addressed among constitutionalists, the concept of international constitutionalism has caused legal consequences to the sovereignty base of international law, and thus mutates the concept of the status of the states. Nowadays, trade scholarship is particularly preoccupied with questions of constitutionalism. The constitutionalization of WTO regulations has triggered a debate on the future of global constitutionalism. Some scholars of the International Public Law believe that WTO, as an institution of global governance, would create a set of constitutional norms for the international trade that will guide her members’ trade interactions, it will be worthy of our attention to address problems of their extension to diverse domain of international law, such as the subject areas of human rights, law of the sea, environmental law, and international criminal law, etc. This article will first discuss the development and limits of the concept of constitutionalism that is adopted into the international public law. Then the focus will be put to the normative foundations of this application. By exploring the constitutionalization ot' WTO law, the third part of this article will examine the different arguments for international constitutionalism. The impacts of international constitutionalisni on the international public law will constitute the final part of this article.


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