  • 期刊

Nutrition and Health Survey of Taiwan Elementary School Children 2001-2002: Research Design, Methods and Scope



臺灣地區國小學童營養健康狀況調查(2001-2002)目的在探討國小學童飲食與營養狀況,影響營養狀況之飲食及非飲食因素,學童健康及發展狀況與在校表現,及這些因素相互關係。採分層兩段集束取樣法,將臺灣地區各鄉鎮市區按特殊族群與地理位置分成13層:客家、山地、東部、澎湖,北部、中部及南部地區各3層。每一層以等比例抽樣原則(Probabilities proportional to sizes: PPS)抽取8所學校,抽中學校再簡單隨機抽出24位學生。本調查包含面訪與身體健康檢查兩部分。考慮季節效應後,面訪在一學年兩個學期中的每一學期分成上半與下半學期進行,最後共完成面訪2,419人。身體檢查部份完成2,475人。面訪資料包括:家戶及社會人口背景資料、24小時飲食回憶、飲食頻率、營養知識、態度與行為、體能活動量、疾病與藥物史、口腔保健、青春期發展量表與骨質健康。體檢項目包括:人體測量、血壓、體溫、體適能、骨質密度、牙齒健康、抽空腹血與收尿。以SUDAAN調整抽樣設計效應,發現調查回應者與不回應者間在家中排行及父母親人口特徵上無明顯差異,顯示本調查之代表性應無偏差。此調查結果有助於瞭解臺灣地區國小學童的營養與健康狀況,以及制訂公共衛生營養政策。


調查 學童 營養 飲食 健康


The ”Nutrition and Health Survey of Taiwan's Elementary School Children (2001-2002)” was to investigate the nutritional status, influential dietary and non-dietary factors, health and development, and school performance, as well as the inter-relationships among these factors. The survey adopted a two-staged stratified, clustered probability sampling scheme. Towns and districts in Taiwan with particular ethnic and geographical characteristics were designated into 13 strata including Hakka areas, mountain areas, eastern Taiwan, the Penghu Islands, 3 northern regions, 3 central regions and 3 southern regions. Eight schools were selected from each stratum using the probabilities proportional to sizes method. Twenty-four pupils were randomly selected within each school. The survey included face-to-face interviews and health examinations. Taking seasonal effects into consideration, the face-toface interviews were evenly allocated into each of the two semesters. A total of 2,419 face-to-face interviews and 2,475 health examinations were completed. Interview data included household information, socio-demographics, 24-hour dietary recall, food frequency, dietary and nutritional knowledge, attitudes and behaviors, physical activity, medical history, oral health, pubertal development, and bone health. Health exam data included anthropometry, blood pressure, physical fitness, bone density, dental health, and blood and urine collection. SUDAAN was used to adjust sampling design effect. There were no significant differences in sibling rank and parental characteristics between respondents and non-respondents, which indicates that our survey is representative and unbiased. The results of this survey will increase our understanding on the nutrition and health status of schoolchildren and can be used to shape public health policy in Taiwan.


survey schoolchildren nutrition diet health


鄭維智(2009)。台灣地區點心食品丙烯醯胺含量及其風險評估暨 擬似食品模擬系統中丙烯醯胺之形成與消失〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2009.00563
