  • 期刊

The Relationship between Snack Intake and its Availability of 4th-6th Graders in Taiwan



本研究探討臺灣地區國小高年級學童點心攝取與可獲性的相關性。以「臺灣地區國小學童營養健康狀況調查2001-2002」之四至六年級、居住於北、中、南地區的722位學童資料分析。根據食物可獲性問卷及食物攝取頻率問卷,將學童經常攝取的點心分為有利於健康的點心和不利於健康的點心兩類,以SEM 分別檢視兩組的攝食頻率與可獲性間之相關性。結果發現學童攝取有利於健康的點心與「家中有」成正相關,而攝食不利於健康的點心則與「自己購買」有關。建議家中增加有利於健康的點心之供應;並減少學童購買不利於健康的點心食物之機會,將有助於改善學童點心攝取的品質。


The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between the snack intake and snack availability of elementary school children. Data analyzed were from 722 4^th to 6^th graders’ food availability and food intake questionnaires collected in the Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan Elementary School Children 2001-2002. The snacks commonly eaten were divided into two groups. Healthy snacks included dairy products, 100% fruit juice and fresh fruits. Unhealthy snacks included high fat/sugar snacks, cookies, candy, carbonated/sugared beverages and fast food. Structural equating modeling was used to test the models that describe the availability and intake of two snack groups. Results indicated that parents' intake and children's preference were major predictors of children intake of both healthy and unhealthy snacks. Other than that, the intake of unhealthy snacks was positively associated with ”purchase by children themselves” but not the intake of healthy snacks, which was influenced predominantly by ”present in home”. The results support the perception that a positive family food environment is important for improving children's diet quality. To build a healthy family food environment, parents have to not only provide healthy snacks but also limit the unhealthy snacks in home. In addition to that, the role modeling of parents as eating healthy snacks instead of unhealthy snacks themselves may help children to develop similar behaviors.


林莉茹(2011)。學童從一至六年級身體質量指數之發展軌跡: 超重類型與首次超重時間〔博士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2011.03397
