  • 期刊

Validity and Reproducibility of a Semi-Quantitative Food Frequency Questionnaire for Use among Pregnant Women in Rural China



本次前瞻性研究的目的是检验针对中国贫困地区孕妇膳食摄入调查的半定量食物频率问卷(68项食物条目)的重现性和真实性。食物频率问卷采用访问式,分别在第三孕期初和分娩前进行,两次访问间隔3个月,在此期间随机完成6次24小时膳食回顾调查。食物频率问卷与24小时膳食回顾调查的结 果进行比较以检验该食物频率问卷的重现性和真实性。2004年6-9间,在中国陕西省的两个贫困县,共125名孕妇(入组时孕周为23-26周)参与并完成了本研究的所有问卷。两次食物频率问卷间营养素的相关系数范围在0.31(硫胺素)到0.61(脂肪)之间,均数为0.46。第二次食物频率问卷与24小时膳食调查测量到的营养素之间的相关系数范围从0.53(胆固醇)到0.70(α-维生素E和钾),均数为0.62;通过校正个体内变异对相关系数的影响后,相关系数均数为0.69,范围从0.58(胆固醇)到0.77(α-维生素E和钾)。Bland-Altman图显示食物频率问卷和24小时膳食回顾两种方法得到的营养素摄入的差值和均数之间存在显著相关;平均摄入较高时,两种方法测得营养素摄入存在更大的差异。根据两种膳食调查方法得到的营养素摄入量将受试者分为人数相等的五组,74%的被分到了同一个或相邻的组,1%的被分到了极端对立的两组。本研究结果显示该食物频率问卷,在测量中国贫困地区孕妇营养素摄入情况时有较好的重现性和真实性,尤其在加入面糊这一食物后。


食物頻率問卷 分級 懷孕 飲食調查 中國


A longitudinal study was conducted to validate a 68-item semi-quantitative food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) for assessing nutrient intake among pregnant women in rural China. The interview administrated FFQs were conducted at the start of the third trimester (FFQ1) and repeated three months later prior to delivery (FFQ2), and compared with six repeated 24-hour recalls collected between the FFQs. From June to September 2004, 125 women at 23 to 26 weeks of gestation were recruited into the study in two rural counties in Shaanxi province, China. Pearson correlation coefficients for crude nutrients assessed by FFQ1 and FFQ2 had a mean of 0.46, and ranged from 0.31 for thiamin to 0.61 for fat. Pearson correlation coefficients estimated by FFQ2 and 24-hour recalls had a mean of 0.62 for all nutrients, and ranged from 0.53 for cholesterol and carotene to 0.70 for α-vitamin E and potassium. De-attenuated coefficients had a mean of 0.69 for all nutrients, and ranged from 0.58 for cholesterol to 0.77 for α-vitamin E. Bland-Altman plots revealed significant relationships between the difference and the average of the two methods with larger differences at higher average intakes. On average, 74% of participants were classified into the same or adjacent nutrient intake quintiles, while 1% were grossly misclassified to opposite quintiles. In conclusion, this FFQ has adequate reproducibility and validity for most nutrients but would benefit from the addition of wheat porridge to ensure it is suitable for assessing dietary intake in pregnant women in rural China.


